
Shameless attempt at scoring some free stuff here...

But I will gladly wear any hats or t-shirts that any vendors around here would like to send :)
Every weekend and all summer long, get your logo shown off all around Columbus and central Ohio!!
PM me if you got stuff!!!
Can't afford clothes?
Sure shirts advertise but they also cost money to produce. I certainly wouldn't give any to beggars.
lol that's pretty funny, although I believe it would only worth it if vendors had stickers.. ,that's about the only thing I see companies giving away readily..anything more than that.. and it's not worth it (for the vendors) unless your famous or something hahah
Wow. I'm ashamed to be from the same Buckeye Nation as you. Go find some chicks or something

Shameless attempt at scoring some free stuff here... But I will gladly wear any hats or t-shirts that any vendors around here would like to send :) Every weekend and all summer long, get your logo shown off all around Columbus and central Ohio!! PM me if you got stuff!!! :)
19 posts, asking for free stuff right off the bat, from small time manufacturers that pay a lot to have merch made. Gee that's not offensive.

Become a part of the community, make some friends, buy some products, and maybe you'll get a free T-shirt or similar. But don't beg.
Didn't realize how important a post count is. My apology is sincere. Don't think I deserve to be flamed even after it. Honestly, I was trying to be humorous along with reaching out to people looking for promotion, as is the name of the forum. The invite to become a part of the community is nice, but I doubt there is much sincerity in it at this point. Might as well go.
Didn't realize how important a post count is. My apology is sincere. Don't think I deserve to be flamed even after it. Honestly, I was trying to be humorous along with reaching out to people looking for promotion, as is the name of the forum. The invite to become a part of the community is nice, but I doubt there is much sincerity in it at this point. Might as well go.

I think you need to understand the rash of people that come in here asking for free stuff without even contributing to this community. And most times, when they get their free stuff, they are history and never return, except to ask for more free stuff. It gets really old. So most of us get frustrated by that. If you contribute to the forum and make friends, then it would be more appropriate, but even then, it's nice to at least offer to pay or trade something in return.

So please do join the community. Be an active member who contributes and helps others. After you've made some friends, perhaps they would be happy to hook you up. I think you'll find that when you are actively involved, you'll see that the people here are some of the most generous you'll ever find. I can personally attest to the generosity of members here.