• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Swampys Kiwi grow.

Hi guys
Greetings from New Zealand
We are about a month away from the shortest day so its almost time to start up some chillis.
This is my first real attempt at growing chillis so it should be fun.
I will be starting off under lights,then moving into a greenhouse that i have yet to build before moving them outside.
I have received all my seeds and just need to decide which ones and how many to grow.
These are what I have:
Numex Big Jim
Cayenne long Red
Bhut jolokia
Red Habenero
Ancho ST Luis
Dorset Naga
Red 7 pot
Aji lemon drop
Naga Morich
Yellow Morich Scorpion
Bishops crown
Will keep you posted.  :)
FireFlyNZ said:
I have some trademe Yellow M Scorp seed too, might give them the chop unless you think they are good enough to keep?:??? Impressive Glog dude.
Well I got one good plant and shes a boomer.They may have been old seeds or something but the germination rate was poor.I will be using seeds from my plant nest year though
Swampy this is brilliant work! Been through every page of this glog and I now know exactly what I'll be doing next June! My peppers still look like babies compared to yours!

What did the polytunnel set you back?
Burnzy said:
Swampy this is brilliant work! Been through every page of this glog and I now know exactly what I'll be doing next June! My peppers still look like babies compared to yours!

What did the polytunnel set you back?
Thanks Burnzy.
The polytunnel was about $500 NZ.
Before winter i may fully enclose the area with clear polycarb roofing.we will see.
I did the big mission and tied up alot of stray branches after one of my Reaper branches broke of because of the weight of the rain.Gutted

Burnzy said:
Wow, sorry I'm late to the party, Swampy, but your grow is awesome.  
The polytunnel looks like just the ticket for that little garden space;  
covering it with polycarb would make that space over-the-top great.
Wonderful looking peppers and plants!
Incredible Swampy!

Hey, my yellow 7 pots from trademe turned out to be yellow scotch bonnets also.

Prolly the same guy.
Funny how the youngest plants ended up the biggest Swampy! Loving the trees you got going here. The CFL's you used are 100w yeah? Planning on building a similar light setup for the coming winter. I want what you got!