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Today I mowed the backyard and started to setup one of those above ground pools for my daughter and wife. No sooner than we laid out the pool and started to assemble it we had a swarm of what I believe to be thrips all around the pool. For the hour or so of us putting it together everyone was being bitten and they were so dense you could see them running around on the top of your clothing. I've only ever had a minor issue with them before. Here are a few pictures I took to show just how dense they were. The pool has thousands and thousand of them floating on top, it's insane! Any ideas what cause the sudden swarm and what I can do to knock it out?



IMO, if you can see them with the naked eye, they aren't thrips...thrips are very small...of course that is from my 61 year old eyes...
I was thinking thrips because of the biting those little bastards were doing. Felt like I was getting jammed with a needle every few seconds. Hopfully whatever it was they have moved on haha.
We call them "No-see-ums" here in the Lowcountry.. They serve no purpose other than to annoy the hell out of you while you're outside. Can only kill so many of them. They reproduce every hour it seems.. :banghead:
Nope, no standing water, just the pool now that it's up and going... just got it up yesterday. It has a top on it now. I went and got some Ortho Max and sprayed the crap out of everything! I was outside re potting last few plants and sure enough the swarm from hell is back, same thrip time, same thrip spot and same thrip biting. From what I can gather online they are mating? Thankfully they haven't touched my plants and if they do they are sure to die :P.


edit: Now that I think about it, I did have 3 five gallon bucket of rain water sitting outside on the patio, but I was moving the water four times a day by pouring one into another and back and forth. Could that possibly be the issue? I just started collecting the rain water a few weeks ago.
"same thrip biting. From what I can gather online they are mating?" :woohoo:

so you are saying they are attacking in a special way? :eek:

maybe you just hope it is biting? :dance: