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overwintering synclinorium's Overwintering adventures

It's like Christmas come early!

And now I feel the urge to laugh maniacally.



And while I appreciate the gift seeds, this does not help my decision. :lol:
Must resist urge... to start seeds immediately...
(If you're wondering why there aren't many seeds in the Bhut package, it's because I started some earlier in the year... then my housemate's damn cat ate the seedlings.)
There's just no stopping those White Habs. They're covered in flower buds again. I don't know if they have enough light to actually produce, but so far it seems like they've been more than happy. Leaves are a bit puckered though, I'll probably need to give them a dose of Cal-Mag Plus soon...



I haven't seen any aphids in a couple weeks, but I'll keep watch. I spied a couple scale bugs on one of the plants, so I'll need to be vigilant there. Not sure if there's a good way to get rid of scale, but I've just been taking a pointy object and squishing them when I see them...
pretty plants...are the flowers in the pics above producing any pollen?
pretty plants...are the flowers in the pics above producing any pollen?

Not sure... the damn flowers are so small, but it doesn't look like the anthers have opened (then again, the flower just opened).

On the topic, what's the likelihood that they can go about their business in the absence of pollinators? Just wondering if they'll need an assist to produce anything indoors.
This Rocoto currently stands at about hip height in its pot. I'm excited to get it back into the ground next year.


White Habs are in full production mode. Think I managed to get a couple pods set on them, we'll see if they actually grow.

This Rocoto currently stands at about hip height in its pot. I'm excited to get it back into the ground next year.


White Habs are in full production mode. Think I managed to get a couple pods set on them, we'll see if they actually grow.

Pretty cool to have the flowers setting, and it's not the 1st of the New year yet! The white hab will continue producing until next years plant out. ......... :cool:

I've been out of town for about three weeks visiting family for the holidays. I expected some losses, fortunately most of the plants are either doing fine or may recover in time (others, not so much) . My housemate.... well, we'll just say it doesn't look like she remembered to water them more than once.

Both the White Habs have peppers on them, though one looks considerably worse at the moment... at least it's alive:


The Limon finally started taking off, it almost looks better than it did during the growing season:

Two of my Aji Amarillos are alive, one might not make it. At least the surviving members look strong:

The Rocoto is flowering again. Don't think I'm going to let it set fruit though, it just isn't worth it right now