Syrian and Turkish Peppers

This topic (according to the search) seems to come up about once a year, so I'll make this year's post :)

Does anyone have a good source for Aleppo (also known as Halaby) or Urfa Biber seeds? I can't find any around.

From what I've read, whatever treatment they use to dry the aleppo also kills any seeds, so buying flakes is a no-go.

I need to stay off of wikipedia, it makes we want to grow impossible things :)
I'm really surprised that the collective THP brain trust and seed bank does not have these...cmpman?

I'm hoping they do :)

Rumor is that the SSE Yearbook has Aleppo, but I'm still waiting on my membership number :/

I'm looking into the best methods of seed saving, I hadn't intended on doing it this year, but if I get either of these plants going, I'll take the plunge and hopefully be able to share the love next year :)
See you did start your search thread...good luck man! I think Rick up there in your neighborhood writes the pepper info on Wiki :liar: so when he's doesn't see a clear path, well...There are some members from that part of the world, searching them out and offering a trade with them might be worth the effort??? Good luck...
Still no luck in my search. Does anyone have a copy of the SSE Yearbook? Just curious if they actually have the aleppo in there, as rumored. My SSE membership is still listed as "billing pending."

Of course, in my search I also came across the Espelette and Maras peppers. I bought the Espelette (it's French, and a protected variety), but the Maras eludes me, as well. will have Aleppo plants this spring.

Thanks, I sent her an email a couple days ago (she open pollenates, curious if she isolates the stuff she plans on selling plants from).

Another guy I contacted said that a lot of the aleppo seeds that make it into the US are infected with Tobacoo Mosaic Virus, so I'll have to be wary. Found this site: with some info on preventing it, and this: suggests that seeds can be treated to kill it. May grow any I find fully away from the rest of my garden - certainly don't want that spreading.
Hi Sean
I only have a few seeds for the Urfa Biber, but I'll be starting all of them to make sure I have enough come up. If I have any left over after I get the two I want, would you want to come out here to get the rest? Actually, now that I think of it... would you be willing to bring some of your extra Rocoto seedlings too? We could meet halfway on the road someplace and make the exchange.
Might be possible, it's about a 1:30 drive from me to you, with Gardner being about dead center in between. I'll have to see how many of the rocotos survive, but if they are going like they are, could do. Lemme know how they are behaving, and we can work something out. I'll do my best to keep all the rocotos alive, I wasn't expecting them to take off and separating could be problematic :)
I'm hoping they do :)

Rumor is that the SSE Yearbook has Aleppo, but I'm still waiting on my membership number :/

I'm looking into the best methods of seed saving, I hadn't intended on doing it this year, but if I get either of these plants going, I'll take the plunge and hopefully be able to share the love next year :)

I'm one of those you probably found in searching, as I unsuccessfully tried to obtain seeds a couple of years ago direct from Syria. That probably ain't happening anytime soon given the conditions over there right now. My friend won't be traveling there till things stabilize.

But I believe you're correct about SSE. I just got another catalog from them and *seem* to remember Aleppo being offered. Tossed the catalog, though, due to being at capacity/broke/not wanting to wait for the Yankee plant growers to deliver my live plants six weeks before fruit set stops for the summer because it's still freezing in Jersey or Iowa :). May also try Cross Country?

Good luck. Subscribed here to find out what you find.
I'm one of those you probably found in searching, as I unsuccessfully tried to obtain seeds a couple of years ago direct from Syria. That probably ain't happening anytime soon given the conditions over there right now. My friend won't be traveling there till things stabilize.

But I believe you're correct about SSE. I just got another catalog from them and *seem* to remember Aleppo being offered. Tossed the catalog, though, due to being at capacity/broke/not wanting to wait for the Yankee plant growers to deliver my live plants six weeks before fruit set stops for the summer because it's still freezing in Jersey or Iowa :). May also try Cross Country?

Good luck. Subscribed here to find out what you find.

Cross country looks like a no go, unfortunately. OttawaPepper has seeds for the Aleppo, but the guy he got them from didn't isolate, and I'm trying to avoid spreading seeds that may not be true.

SSE finally charged me, still waiting on anything like a membership number so that I can log in...I don't mind the New Jersey guys waiting until frost clears to deliver my plants, they get defrosted before we do!

I bought some dried/crushed maras and urfa biber, might find viable seeds in there, if not...I'll have a tasty thing to put on food.
Hi there!

i am glad you like Syrian/Turkish peppers.
coincidencly i am originally from Antioch, a turkish city near Aleppo. my Mom is from Aleppo.

some time ago i tried to germinate some seeds of the powder but unfortunetely they didnt do anything, maybe the viability wasnt given because the powder was frozen (we got it from a relative)

i will travel in July to Antioch so i can obtain seeds for you.

Hi there!

i am glad you like Syrian/Turkish peppers.
coincidencly i am originally from Antioch, a turkish city near Aleppo. my Mom is from Aleppo.

some time ago i tried to germinate some seeds of the powder but unfortunetely they didnt do anything, maybe the viability wasnt given because the powder was frozen (we got it from a relative)

i will travel in July to Antioch so i can obtain seeds for you.


That would be great!

I've heard the powder is prepared in such a way that destroys the viability of the seeds. I'm not sure about the other peppers, but figured it was worth a shot. Haven't received them, yet.
Hi Sean
I started all 6 of my Urfa Biber seeds yesterday... I'll let you know when they come up and how many extras I have, then maybe we can arrange a swap. Cheers
Hi Sean
I started all 6 of my Urfa Biber seeds yesterday... I'll let you know when they come up and how many extras I have, then maybe we can arrange a swap. Cheers

Good deal. I'll check on the rocotos, again, plants are looking good, but I haven't checked any one thing in particular in a bit.
Thanks to Rick, I now have a pair of Urfa Biber plants - awesome!

The SSE Aleppo grower unfortunately was out of seed for the year, he's hoping to grow more out, next year.

The aleppo, maras and urfa pepper flakes that I ordered were too ground up to have good seeds, so, alas, I'm still on the hunt for maras and aleppo. Aleppo seems do-able, there's people around with it, it's just a matter of getting seed off of them. Maras might be more of a challenge. The hunt continues.