Tabasco Peppers

This is what your Tabasco plant can look like.... It's too bad not all of them turned red

I live about 30 mins from Avery Island....the family gave our University (UL Lafayette) several to plant around the school...our mascot is a pepper! ha Anyway, I ended up with a few extra. They are great plants... I find durring the extreme heat of the summer, I have to give them a tad bit of shade and extra water...The ones in the containers droop easy...Being, the grow large and deep. So, to avoid this.... Put them in a pot larger than 5 gal. and a light color (white).

They make a real good pickled pepper.. A lot of Lousiana companies pickle the peppers durring their yellow stage. I do this the 1st or 2nd wave...and save my last wave of peppers for riped red pepper mash and sauce.

Web_Of_Hair said:
This is what your Tabasco plant can look like.... It's too bad not all of them turned red

That is quite some plant. Prolific!!!!! I think I will add one of them to next years grow list unless I can find one in a local garden center for this year.
Hey Herne...I grew up in Pleasanton... Went to Foothill High School.

Anyway, I got my pepper plants from Lowe's. They're the Bonnie plants and I've had pretty good luck with them the past few years. So go scout out a Lowe's and find a tabasco plant!
I had one Tabassco plant last year. Planted in the garden it did well. seemed to tolerate heat fine. I got 2 waves of peppers and all turned orange.
DevilDuck said:
Hey Herne...I grew up in Pleasanton... Went to Foothill High School.

Anyway, I got my pepper plants from Lowe's. They're the Bonnie plants and I've had pretty good luck with them the past few years. So go scout out a Lowe's and find a tabasco plant!

I had a good search round the area and all I could find were two plants that obviously needed a good water but they were on sale so I took the risk and bought them anyway.


I ended up buying some more peppers too :)