food Taco / Burrito Filling ala Quad :)


Beer makes one hungry, so I make this up. I like to make a batch for a few days so I have ez snacks ;-)


Used 1/2 this package of ground Chuck..about 1.5lbs. worth.

Mixed in:

  • LIBERAL amounts of Arbol, Cayenne & Red Bell Pepper powders
  • Oleresin-spiked Chile powder
  • fresh ground Cumin
  • Sea Salt and Black Pepper
  • 1/2 a can of Chipotles in adobo sauce
  • 2 big cloves worth of garlic
  • 1 whole onion, chopped
  • two chopped habs and two red jalapenos
  • A good squirt of organic catsup and sriracha (was out of tomato paste)
  • A pinch of dry Mexican Oregano
  • About 1/3 of a package of Hot Taco Seasoning. (just to help consistancy and add extra flavors)

Bubble Bubble, here comes Trouble...

Simmered that for awhile, then warmed up some whole wheat torts, put on some refried beans and cheese, the filling, then more cheese and a sprinkle of a jala/hab taco sauce.


Good stuff..not TOOO hot, just a nice comfy burn. :-D
what kinda cheese is that? please tell me im not blind I went over the ingredients 2x.

PS is that meat ok, not saying it isnt just asking. It looks a lil green/brown. Im not meat expert (lololo) so im asking for future reference, I go to a butcher i trust, I can't shop at markets for meat i dont know how lol.
Yeah the meat's fine, just a couple days out of the store. If your hamburger is bright red/pink it's likely been CO2'd to make it that way..;) Plus, this is ground Chuck so a little aging doesn't hurt.

Cheese is just plain 'ol medium cheddar.

The pix suck this time because unless its daytime, I just don't have enough light in here. So, the color is pretty off with only one incandescent bulb.
Thanks man, Cheese is my favorite thing, besides non Casein proteins. That's why I was asking. It just looked like a perfect melt. lol. Nothing better than a cheesey snack before bed after a hard workout. Stay anabolic all night long! j/k

Didn't know that about the meat. im happy now i learned something today... finally
Dude that's a sloppy joe/taco lol. And the meat looks green, but I remember you have funky lighting.
Someone's gonna sig that! :eek:

I hate dry burritos, where everything tastes separate. I like it more like a stew inside.
Yuppers, it's just right. If properly rolled it don't drip all over, but is definetly moist.

I could have made it hotter, but I can always add Naga sauce or something. For daily use I'd rather have to put more heat on than have it stoopid-hot ALL the time. Ya can always add heat, but ya can't take it away. :)

I think the meat got that oxidised brown bit being crammed in my fridge for a few days. 'prolly due to the loose package having air in it, cuz it wasn't there when I bought it a couple days ago.
QuadShotz said:
Yuppers, it's just right. If properly rolled it don't drip all over, but is definetly moist.

I could have made it hotter, but I can always add Naga sauce or something. For daily use I'd rather have to put more heat on than have it stoopid-hot ALL the time. Ya can always add heat, but ya can't take it away. :)
What has happened to you? :lol:
Well, I put about a cup worth of chile powders and nearly that much of fresh peppers into about 1.5lbs of meat...if I did have a Naga Pod, it would have gone in though.

It's alright. ;)
Im going to try this with some camel mince....mmm should be nice! Or actually we made a nice dish similar to this with rabbit cubes...that was nice! Good work quad!