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So I never had any luck with using cut up blinds as plant tags. No matter what I tried, everything seemed to just rub or rinse right off. I also didn't want to invest in metal tags, so I came up with a cheaper solution. It also avoids any runoff of nail polish for those who use that method to preserve writing on vinyl tags.
Materials: paper, pen, scissors, twist ties

There's probably no need for a step by step instruction, but why not?

Step 1: fold the paper

Step 2: write out all of your varieties (remember, one for each plant, not each variety!)


Step 3: cut out each section (I lost my scissors and I'm lazy so I just tore the paper)


Step 4: get your baggies and use a nail or something similar to put a hole through the top above the seal


Step 5: put a twist tie, yarn, or anything else through the hole and secure it.



This is super self-explanatory and it's tedious, but I hadn't thought of it until now so maybe one other person might benefit from it.
Looks like a decent idea! My miniblind tags are working out alright. They are kinda flimsy though when you go to put them in the ground. I used #2 pencil to write on them, as advised by a forum member. The sun doesn't fade out your ink that way. 