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Tah Mater Leaf Issue

They started great, almost damped off until I learned to bottom water and have since been growing great, until this bloody curling/blackening of the leaves. Lots of pictorial evidence, still trying to get a handle on photography :)
This is how it starts


And develops into this


Over all shot, the right one is most effected.

Isolated to the lower growth, but appears to be spreading upwards. I've been searching for something similar on Google but no luck so far.
Any advice is greatly appreciated :)
AACT them it fixes everything. LOL (sorry could'nt help myself).
Kinda looks fungal or bacterial to me, not sure though. are there tiny little black spots going up the stalk? if so i have seen it before on mine. i would suggest h202 or sm-90. foliar spray and soil flush.
romy6 said:
 Have you recently fertilized ? Looks like nute burn to me . 
No, they're in a 1-1-1 of peat-compost-perlite/verm. All they have had so far are water, tea and a few light foliars (tea, silicon, etc.). I got a bit of burn when the soil was very fresh, but that was also on my lightest feeder (Oaxacan hybrid :D).
hogleg said:
AACT them it fixes everything. LOL (sorry could'nt help myself).
Kinda looks fungal or bacterial to me, not sure though. are there tiny little black spots going up the stalk? if so i have seen it before on mine. i would suggest h202 or sm-90. foliar spray and soil flush.
I'm trying to tea my way out of it but it feels like paddling a canoe with chopsticks sometimes :lol:
I thought (guessed) much the same and for good measure sprayed them with the leftovers of a DIY fungicide for rose black spot yesterday.
There are black dots, very faint but that could be the result of the spray. I'll throw SM-90 and H202 into the rotation and follow with tea for good measure.
Great minds think alike :D I've tried it a few times with organics but at low dose to get a clean slate for seed starts. It was so much simpler in coir. Poison goes in, flush poison out :rofl:
-3 organi-credits! Castration! DOUBLE CASTRATION!
Edit: Damn Goddit they just tanked after a few hours in the sun. Leaf curling/drooping like a mother, I'm pretty sure it's on the peppers as well.