Take a guess....

I don't have an answer to this, so am actually asking for your input.

I get a particular dish from my favorite local Chinese restaurant that is chock-full of all kinds of things. I haven't ordered it many times at this point, because I just became aware it was available recently. Each time I get it, though, I think "I can make this", and I look very closely at what they have in it. Well, I have made something very close to it, but theirs is just so convenient to pick up.....

At any rate, I had some leftovers (I can only eat about 1/3 of what they serve at a time) for lunch, and noticed something that surprised me - a little green ring that looked amazingly like a slice of green olive. Olive? So I picked it out and tried it by itself to see if it was, indeed, a slice of olive. Nope. The flavor and texture I can only describe as coming pretty close to hearts of palm. But I've never seen a piece of hearts of palm look quite that green or looking so much like a slice of olive. I thought maybe it was lemongrass. But after finding and trying a couple more pieces, I don't think the flavor is very lemongrass-like. Now I'll give you the caveat that this is a strongly-flavored, highly spicy dish - could be the sauce and other ingredients are somewhat masking the flavor.

At any rate, I'm puzzling over what it could be. Sorry, no pics - just keep in mind it really looks a LOT like a slice of green olive. Any ideas on what it is? Your guess is as good as mine!
Gee it may not be a secret ingredient.........pull one out next time and use for a visual aide while asking them if needed. Then go home and

So we can see while we
So, what is the dish called? and please, don't say "number 17" from the menu!
perhaps we can reverse engineer this by starting with a name.
Good idea, Mark, but I'd be surprised if we could reverse engineer it, though it's a possibility. It's ja ja mein - I've found MANY different recipes for it online, none of which have everything this place packs into it.
Cool - thanks for looking, and for the link! That may well be it. I'll check out a couple of the Asian markets here and see if they've got some I can try outside this dish.

Yes, when I make ja ja mein, I use a kind of blend of several recipes I found, but add many of the veggie ingredients I know the restaurant uses (plus whatever suits my fancy at the time.) It's truly a meal in itself, even if you leave out the noodles.
Maybe I'll go pick some up this weekend an post a pic of it, with at least one of every item laid out on a separate plate. So good.... so good....