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Take that Martha Stewart!

My wife (whom has given me nothing but grief about the time that has been spent on gardening) has recently been partaking in my obsession. I guess she figgures, "if you cant beat them, join them." So she came up with this great table center piece. With this cooler and wetter midwest weather now, I am starting to roll in peppers.

Peppers are more beautiful than Flowers...plus you can eat them HotPapa.
Actually, we were featured on the Martha Stewart Today show and she loves the colors and Shapes of Hot Peppers.


Here's one of our recent bounties from our personal garden.
Fiery REgards,
Pepper Joe
:dance: :P :dance: :P
With as crazy as my life has been lately, that almost sounds like a welcome change.... almost... if I could just make her $$. LOL
Lookin good Joe! I have a feeling I'll be pulling in another haul tonight.
pepperjoe, please post when it airs. Post a link in promotions with all the details!
Nice atomic centerpiece. I was doing something like that with one of my wifes crystal dishes until my 4yr old took a nice bite out of a Cilli Goronong, she took it as a champ though and just camly asked for milk. Nice pods too guys.

Well you know like the saying goes, " I got the fluid like Martha Stewid"