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Taking pictures.

Hey all,

The only light in my grow room is a 1000w HPS light. My camera keeps doing "funky things" when I try to take photos with it on. I have heard: "the light messes with your cameras sensor because of the color of the light." Has any ever heard of this ? Does anyone know what adjustments need to be made ?

- Mega

Sorry, your original statement sounded like you had more than one problem. Your camera should have and automatic white balance which trails the lighting conditions (daylight, tungsten, flouros) ....as "THP" has stated. ...and I agree
Is it possible that your camera is locked down in the "daylight" white balance mode
Oh what the heck....why play "What's My Light" issue....and just post the photos. We'll tell you exactly what the prob is. Besides, I want to see some plant pictures!