Tall and scragly

It wouldn't hurt. But if that's how they still look, then you can wait a teensy bit longer to see if some are already bushing out, then select your candidates.
MoWhiskey said:
Should I top these tall lankgy plants?
are you taking off the leaves? i see little blemishes / notches on the stem..?
Plants get tall / lanky when they don't have enough light.. What's your lighting setup?
I don't think you should with that few leaves. The issue is with leaves dropping. They will grow leaves and branches where the nodes are. There doesn't appear to be a reason to top them. Most them are also way too young to be topped.
Good point(s), hadn't thought of that, the only concern at this point is the lack of leaves.
And by the time they do get their leaves back, you probably won't want to bother with topping them off anyway, they'll look like normal plants.
And going by Mowhiskey's previous thread, a lack of light may not have been a problem, but near-freezing temps were.
The Cold I think what did them in. I have a green house with propane heater,must not be keeping warm enough. I had around 60 Datils(should have waited I guess,live and learn) and all that is left is the tray with the real short ones on left of pic....
Seems to me that light may also be an issue, even if the plant was full of leaves shouldn't there b more branching. unless they are some sort of wild variety.
Along with more light, good airflow is important in producing stocky plants. Do you have a fan on them?
Willing to bet some of the larger ones are in need of potting up as well. 