Back around Christmas I picked up a package of Tamarind Pulp from the local Hispanic Market. It was full of seeds and as I was culling the seeds out from the pulp I began to wonder if any of them would grow. The seeds are as hard as rocks so I put 3 or 4 into some plain tap water for 3 days and then planted in some solo cups. 1 of them did indeed begin to grow. Here's a pic at about 2 weeks.
Last night as I was checking the water on my peppers I looked at it and realized that it hadn't grown any really since then . So, I moved it into a bigger pot. Here it is as of last night.
Tamarind are slow growing but get to be massive trees. I've already found a good home for it when it's big enough to go into the ground but I'll be tending it till its ready.
Last night as I was checking the water on my peppers I looked at it and realized that it hadn't grown any really since then . So, I moved it into a bigger pot. Here it is as of last night.
Tamarind are slow growing but get to be massive trees. I've already found a good home for it when it's big enough to go into the ground but I'll be tending it till its ready.