• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tango's 2016 first season

Hello Forum!
This is my first season growing peppers. I have 8 plants under 200W CFL.
I plan to keep them small and maybe move some of them to the windowsil when there's more sun.
I top the plants and do some training. Aesthetics matter.

Here's what I got:

1. "Paprika". Seeds from a noname supermarket pod, that wasn't very hot. There's a few pods
                    and the new flowers keep falling off, which is normal, right?
2. "Thai". Seeds from small dried pods. I'm hoping to find out exactly what it is after there are some ripe pods.
               Topped more than once, quite bushy, no fruits yet.
3. "Cayenne"  Or something similar, maybe smaller. Very tasty. Seeds from a noname supermarket pod.
4. "P.Small"  The last supermarket seed. Looked like a small Scotch Bonnet or Habanero.
                     Little barell-shaped pod with wrinkles on top. Fruity, no chinense taste. We'll see.
5. Yellow Habanero
6. White Peruvian Habanero
7. Aji Lemon Drop
8. Carolina Reaper
"Paprika" :

"Thai" :



(cat for scale)
"P.Small" :

"Cayenne" and Lemon Drop :

Reaper and Habs :

grafting is fun

graft inspection


After two rounds of topping this plant has only three main branches.



Here are all the new ones:
top row: Brazilian Starfish, Aji Pineapple, MOA, Datil
middle:  Chocolate Bhutlah, Bahamian Goat, Bahamian Goat
bottom:  Jamaican Hot Chocolate, African Bird's Eye, Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion

It's quite hard not to cut anything, but so far I let them grow. 
I got some dried Bird's Eye from Zimbabwe. Really good as flakes. Had to grow it :)
Pods, pods, pods....
thai pods

white peruvian habanero, first pod. I'm excited to taste this one.


First Reaper!  :twisted:

or no beard?

Aji Lemon Drop. Lots of pods. I really like this plant. Can't wait for ripe pods.


