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TB '09.

Hey ya'll from the big dry ditch. Here's my modest list of pepper plants. 14 habaneros, 7 pequins and 1 jalapeno. I hadn't intended to grow the 'peno but somehow some seeds got mixed up. I thought the plant looked out of place but let it go..now its got a couple of monster popper grade chile's on it. Heres' some pics...

The interloper..


And it's mutant offspring..


Some pequins...


This one is coming back nicely after a windstorm beat it up. It was almost 4 foot tall and bushed out nice but had to cut it way back...


Stay tuned to this same bat channel...

Cheers, TB.
And here's the little house of habby horrors...


I started these in December...


And another mutant..
Hard to see them but this one has about 20 habs about as big as my pinky nail..


Updates to follow ya'll.

Cheers, TB.
Nice and green. Habs look pretty established for a Dec. start. What up with the pequin? I thought they were like a tepin? Kinda round?
hi there, nice plants !

so i see you let your small plants flower and get fruits on them, i wonder if those plants will continue to grow in height once they finished producing the chilis ?

im in the same spot right now as mine are flowering at a rather short height and i wonder if i should remove the flowers to prevent stagnation at short height.

cheers !
looks like you are going to have some heat to play with in the kitchen TB...good luck this year

boutros said:
Nice and green. Habs look pretty established for a Dec. start. What up with the pequin? I thought they were like a tepin? Kinda round?

tepins are round and pequins are more pointed...
nice plants! :) getting seeds mixed up might be irritating, but growing suprise chili seeds is really fun, im very excited about the suprise seeds i got as freebies from fatalii, my curiousity is killing me, hehe.
Lookin good TB. Can't wait to see what wild culinary creations you whip up with these bastards in a few months.
boutros said:
Nice and green. Habs look pretty established for a Dec. start. What up with the pequin? I thought they were like a tepin? Kinda round?

One of the hab chiles on one plant went orange overnight! The pequins were from seed I got from IGG (thank you very much). Good producers with excellent heat! I count between the 7 plants about 125 or so peppers now. These plants or on thier second year. Last year I got about 700-800 total but I'm betting on a much bigger haul this year. Check out Potawie's pequins, real monsters! Tepins are often confused with the pequin and the pics are a good representation of them. Tepins, from the word chiltepin are stubby and much more round like a birds eye.

Cheers, TB.
7 to 8 hundo's a helluva haul. Seems like good old Orange Hab doesn't get enough love anymore, good to see a bunch of them. They're still old faithful in my garden, and I finally had to hydro one this year.
Healthy looking plants, man! There will be some fine poppers cooking this late summer! I hope to have my own Jalapeno and Jalapeno el Jefe this year... ...so: POPPERS, POPPERS, POPPERS:cool:
chillilover said:
What plant is that in the first 2 pics?

The very first two pics are pequins..that is if you have THP set up that the latest post is at the top and you scroll down.

Cheers, TB.
I was wondering because I bought a plant last year from a nursary that was suppose to be a super chilli but looked like your pics after. Mine were thinner walled and lighter green than Jalapenos. Also some were in wierd shapes. Heres a pic.