• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TC's 2016 Pepper Patch

I am going to try and do a Glog this year.  This is my initial grow list and I am sure it will change once I see what seeds are left from the Chris Phillips auction.
Aji Jobito -- Lindberg
Aji Llaneron -- Lindberg
Aji Margariteno -- Lindberg
Aji Pepon -- Lindberg
Aji Rosita Red -- Lindberg
Aji Risito Yellow -- Lindberg
Bahamian Goat -- Jamison
Billy Biker Jalapeño -- Burpee
Brown BBG7 --Romy6
Caramel Brainstrain --Romy6
Chocolate Habanero -- Juanitos
Cumra Cherry -- Pepperlover
Friarello Di Napoli -- TC saved seeds
Guajillo -- Unknown
Hot Rod Serrano X CBBG7 -- FreeportBum
Jimmy Nardello -- TC saved seeds
Marconi -- TC saved seeds
MOA Scotch Bonnets -- TC saved seeds
Mystery Citrus -- GrantMichaels
Mystery Wine -- Joyner
Numex Big Jim -- Fiogga
Onza -- Chili Pepper Institute
Orange 7-Pot -- Buckeye
Pasilla Bajio -- Unknown
Red Rocoto Lima Market #1 -- FreeportBum
Rocapica -- FreeportBum
Rocoto PI 355812 -- FreeportBum
Rocoto PI 585273 -- FreeportBum
Rocoto San Isidro -- FreeportBum
Yellow Manzano -- FreeportBum
Yellow SBJ7 -- Romy6
Yellow Tepin -- Unknown
I plan to have roughly 45-50 plants.  So I may have some doubles in there and I will be adding some more varieties.  
Baha Goat x Butch T Yellow -- D3monic
Lemon Drop x Inca Berry -- D3monic
So far no major issues. I have some weird growth on some new leaves and a flea beattle doing a bit of damage. I decided to give them their first feeding since I moved them outside. This is what I used last year and I really liked the results.


I am almost out and decided to try something new from Neptune's Harvest. Hopefully I get similar results.
The weather is finally starting to get more spring-like here. We just need the rain and clouds to subside a bit.
Garden looks great. I reuse my soil every year as well. I tried the air pots a couple times. I had trouble keeping them watered. I was watering by hand. I wish I would have used drip irrigation. I think I would have had better results.

Good luck with your grow. Can't wait to see it flourish.
OCD Chilehead said:
Garden looks great. I reuse my soil every year as well. I tried the air pots a couple times. I had trouble keeping them watered. I was watering by hand. I wish I would have used drip irrigation. I think I would have had better results.
Good luck with your grow. Can't wait to see it flourish.
Thanks for stopping by. It was a bit of guesswork on the amount of amendments to add to each root pouch. Hopefully the plants like it. The drip irrigation is great, but I found that when I ran a cycle some plants were getting too much water and others not enough.
tctenten said:
So far no major issues. I have some weird growth on some new leaves and a flea beetle doing a bit of damage. I decided to give them their first feeding since I moved them outside. This is what I used last year and I really liked the results.

I am almost out and decided to try something new from Neptune's Harvest. Hopefully I get similar results.
The weather is finally starting to get more spring-like here. We just need the rain and clouds to subside a bit.

 It was a bit of guesswork on the amount of amendments to add to each root pouch. Hopefully the plants like it. The drip irrigation is great, but I found that when I ran a cycle some plants were getting too much water and others not enough.
Flea beetles don't eat much as long as there aren't too many of the little buggers...
Uneven watering is usually because you're stretching the number of emitters beyond what the system will support or your water pressure is too low.  Would it be possible for you to run another distribution line from another water source?
Use the hose attachment that regulates pressure and then make sure you add up what your emitters are doing and compare that to how long you're running for. Single emitters are fine if put at the base of the plants. The circles work great for even watering but with 10-15 gallon pots, they are small enough for it not to matter. I like using the circle of drip line on my containers above 65 gallons.
Checked the plants when I got home and saw some clear substance on my yellow manzano.  That is the plant getting hit by what I thought was flea beetles, but maybe it is something else.  I will snap some pictures this weekend.  It has to be one of the plants that I really want to do well.  I finally got the manzanos setting pods and now something is screwing with them.  If the weather cooperates I am going to lay out my drip system and see what I need to order.  
tctenten said:
Way to many peppers for me if weather and no pest issues. I give as many as I can away, make jams, hot sauce etc.

Here are some picture updates.

Rocoto PI355812


Mystery Wine


Rocoto Lima Market


Rocoto San Isidro



Nice to see pods. Plants seem to be doing ok in less than ideal weather.
Im so jealous you have pods already popping out at this time growing in nyc! Still waiting on mines  :tear:
Here is an update. So far so good. Plants seem to be adjusting to their new homes for the most part. I have been plucking aphids the last few nights, so some ladybugs were ordered and are on there way.

Group shot


Hot Rod Serrano cross


Some Jalapeno pods


A couple of my Rocoto plants. They seem to be growing out and not really up...normal?



Anyone know what this critter is? I know the green one is an aphid, but is this one an aphid too ?


Are these eggs friend or foe? I have not seen a ladybug yet this year.


Now onto some nons

I assume that curly thing is the scape? Does this mean that it is almost time to harvest? What can I use the scapes for?


Trying to grow some cukes in a container this year, because of an issue that I had last year.


Thanks for looking and thanks for any info.


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tctenten said:
Here is an update. So far so good. Plants seem to be adjusting to their new homes for the most part. I have been plucking aphids the last few nights, so some ladybugs were ordered and are on there way.

Group shot


Hot Rod Serrano cross


Some Jalapeno pods


A couple of my Rocoto plants. They seem to be growing out and not really up...normal?



Anyone know what this critter is? I know the green one is an aphid, but is this one an aphid too ?


Are these eggs friend or foe? I have not seen a ladybug yet this year.


Now onto some nons

I assume that curly thing is the scape? Does this mean that it is almost time to harvest? What can I use the scapes for?


Trying to grow some cukes in a container this year, because of an issue that I had last year.


Thanks for looking and thanks for any info.
Almost looks like a baby tick or a big ass mite. 
Azamax worked really good for me last year for mites and aphids. I treated twice early on and didn't have a single one all summer. 
I just did my first treatment a few days ago as I was starting to see spider mites and aphids. 
tctenten said:
Here is an update. So far so good. Plants seem to be adjusting to their new homes for the most part. I have been plucking aphids the last few nights, so some ladybugs were ordered and are on there way.

Group shot


A couple of my Rocoto plants. They seem to be growing out and not really up...normal?



Are these eggs friend or foe? I have not seen a ladybug yet this year.


I assume that curly thing is the scape? Does this mean that it is almost time to harvest? What can I use the scapes for?

First let me say your Garden is looking great  !
Most of my Rocotos grew out much more than up 
Those look like ladybug eggs to me (should see them weird looking ladybug alligators soon)

Ask  Smokenfire what to do with Scapes, I think he uses them in 1 of his seasonings 
love lookin at all the pics 
moruga welder said:
nice looking grow my friend !
Thanks! Hopefully it continues.

Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
First let me say your Garden is looking great  !
Most of my Rocotos grew out much more than up 
Those look like ladybug eggs to me (should see them weird looking ladybug alligators soon)

Ask  Smokenfire what to do with Scapes, I think he uses them in 1 of his seasonings 
love lookin at all the pics 
I will keep an eye on them. They do look like ladybug eggs, but I have not seen any ladybugs yet this season.

Streetspirit said:
Great looking grow! Dunno about that critter but I hope them to be ladyb for you. All the best!  ;)
Thank you.
Looking good brotha. Eggs look like ladybug to me. Scapes can be cut now and used in salads, made into pesto, sautéed with some onions and mushrooms and topped over a steak or burger.

Pubes grow every which way but loose. Branches in every direction no worries.

Harvest Garlic when you have 4-5 leaves still green and some of the lower have died off. usually around mid July for me here.

Hot rod x cbbg cross looks great, I love that Giant cap gonna be a bleeder for sure. I have some identical to yours and a couple putting out purple pods which should be interesting. Keep those pods and seeds safe ;)

FreeportBum said:
Looking good brotha. Eggs look like ladybug to me. Scapes can be cut now and used in salads, made into pesto, sautéed with some onions and mushrooms and topped over a steak or burger.
Pubes grow every which way but loose. Branches in every direction no worries.
Harvest Garlic when you have 4-5 leaves still green and some of the lower have died off. usually around mid July for me here.
Hot rod x cbbg cross looks great, I love that Giant cap gonna be a bleeder for sure. I have some identical to yours and a couple putting out purple pods which should be interesting. Keep those pods and seeds safe ;)
Thanks Devan, hopefully they are the good guy eggs.
My hardneck Garlic put some scapes that we harvested last weekend, they were late planting from seed my brother sent me. We used them just like you would use Garlic, although they are a bit milder. Most years here I harvest garlic when 1/3 of the crop has the tops fall over. But not this year as its been really wet, an every 15 years wet. I'm watching for rot now, none so far. But you and me are worlds apart as far as plant behavior goes..I pulled a few hardnecks yesterday and they seem OK, so far. I'm waiting to see them decline a bit growthwise. I did talk to my brother today, he's in Ohio, and said when his go to scapes it's 2-4 weeks before they are ready. Good advise from Freeport ;)