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Tell me about "Chocolate" varieties


For the first time this season, I am growing some "Chocolate" varieties.

I have Chocolate Habs, Bhuts, and Scorps.

I have grown all of these before, but never the "chocolate" varieties.

Do they actually have chocolate notes in their flavor? What are their defining characteristics and what can I expect?

so, 3 years ago i had a chocolate urge. i grew choc habs and bhuts, of course my shitty weather poised a challenge and none produced. the second year the choc habs delivered but i didn't care for the flavour. i got the same flavour from a red hab. the bhuts delivered 1 small pepper in the second year, then died. the small pepper was tasty. so i have several more choc bhuts growing as i have to sample their flavour. not so on the choc hab!
Tend to have a smokier flavor I think.

I have a few chocolate bhuts, jamaican hot chocolate, chocolate habaneros, and douglahs growing. They all seem to want to flower right now, so maybe I can let you know in a month or two. I've heard good things about the chocolate bhut and jamaican hot chocolates, but not the other two.
I don`t really find the colour of the chocolate varieties very appealing, but I guess I have to try them sometime as I hear good things about their flavours. I have Jamaican Chocolate Habs, Congo Chocolate Habs and Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate. There`s a possibility I may get brown Rocoto, sorry Chocolate Rocoto, as well :rolleyes: That`s enough for one year.
I've eaten both Traditional Red Bhut Jolokias and Chocolate Bhut Jolokias. The Chocolate ones didn't taste like "dirt," but were a bit "earthy."
I did notice a difference in the smell of the choco habs i had last year.. slightly different.. than the regular reds or orange. significant? hard to say, they can vary from pepper to pepper let alone from plant to plant..
I was disappointed to learn this as well when I first looked into the "chocolate" varieties. Now I'm growing a Hershey Kiss from seed. No hooks yet :(
I have grown and tasted the normal red bhuts and chocolates. An also orange, red carribbean and jamaican hot chocolate habs. I find the choc's still retain most of the underlying bhut and hab flavour. Just with a more earthy tone. Guess the best way to describe it is kind of like mushrooms and black olives are earthy. An also find the chocolates (to me) go great with beef. An can make "most" canned chili's tolerable.