indoor-growing Temperature and Humidity

My indoor temperatures range from 20c-26c (68f - 78f) with humidity between 40-45%. I have seedlings that have just grown their true leaves and some plants that are slightly older with many leaves.

Should I be concerned about the conditions?

Are there any cheap ways to increase humidity?

I think you'll be fine. I've had success with more extreme conditions indoors.

I've never found a good way to produce a meaningful humidity increase - I've tried various humifiers, boiling pots of water.. Nothing makes a dent given the rate of air exchange. I tent small plants with Solo cups and clingwrap, especially in the winter when the RH in my room hovers in the low 20s.
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I have 2 areas, one holds around 20 and 64%, the other 25 and 55%, both seem to do fine. I would say your temp range is right on and the humidity may be a tiny bit on the low end but it's still in a good range. For a comparison, Hatch valley in NM averages 25%-54% through the growing season, with only about a month averaging over 50%.

Given what they grow there, I'd say you're good :)