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Temperature dropping down to 49 Fahrenheit in Michigan

Hello everyone,

I live in Michigan and its dropping down to 49 tonight. I have 25 plants that are all in their own pot/container on my deck. So far this summer has sucked. I had to bring them in the house 7 days in a row because of temps below 55.

My questions are:

1. Is it necessary to bring them inside anytime below 55?

2. This is a water question.

The future forecast calls for 5 days of thunderstorms in the high 80's and mid 60's at night.

Is it ok for them to get rain 5 days in a row?

I do have mulch around each plant as well. The nursery I bought the plants from told me chile plants don't do good with a lot of water and after their transplanted and growing, that they should only be watered 2 or 3 times for the entire summer as long as mulch is used.

This is my first year being in charge of growing. My father used to do it and I lost him last summer so I'm trying to carry on his passion for it.

Thanks in advance for any feedback regarding either question
They will be fine at those temps and in rain for a few good days. They def will need more than just a couple waterings all summer.
what would the pepper plants do if they were growing wild outside?...use an umbrella...

just ribbin' ya' a little here...sure they will be ok...my plants saw 38 or 39 right after plantout in march but survived like champs...
Thanks for the quick response!

Since I already brought them in tonight I'll leave them in the house. But now I know that I don't have to stress so much in the future about lower than 55. Thanks again I can rest easy now!
Temps are no worries, over watering could be.

You could just put some plastic bags over your pots (around the base).

Mine stay outside even if its 4C, (which is 38F), no problems. But I wouldn't let them get any colder, or wet at all.
Cold is fine, or wet is fine, but that cold and wet is not good, so try keep them dry.
Hey torch I'm here in flint Michigan I planted all mine out 3 weeks ago and they have been fine leave them out make them stronger.

Oh yes where are you in the upper up? Summer has been awesome here in gennesse county.
Not to worry, this spring (by the calender) has been excellent with warm temps. Plant out May 18th (earliest ever) in ground and pots. The real worry with peppers is a late frost which obviously did not occur this year. Pots tend to dry out pretty quickly, so I water them every third day if lacking rainfall. Biggest problem this year has been pests working the plants over pretty good, have lost ten or so plants so far. They now have "their feet underneath them" and seeing some robust growth taking place and the bug problem lessening. The hot weather (for MI), lack of rainfall, and being up north during the Memorial Day weekend stressed them out pretty good.

Torch, a fine way to honor your father's memory by continuing on with his pepper growing tradition! I believe you will be receiving some guidance and support from above.

Now about Bigslimm's avatar...............

Edit: I do not agree with what that nursery told you about watering. I give them water whenever the leaves get a little droopy and using the old finger in the ground test says it's dry. If all your plants are in pots, 2 or 3 waterings all summer won't cut it.