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Temperature REALLY matters aparantly

So all winter I have had all sorts of problems with my plants, I have always felt that it was too cold in my basement for my plants even with 1000 watts of light blasting at them (High Pressure Sodium/Metal Halide) so you would think that would keep the temps up right? nope. long story short it was 57 degrees stable in my basement. Since then I moved them into a closet with JUST the 400 watt High Pressure Sodium. Temps are 78 degrees now. here are the results after 5 days. oh yeah, i also fed them Botanicare Pure Blend Tea.

I had the exact same issue. I have some Thai plants ready to flower now as a result of moving them from the cold basement to the upstairs sunroom!. I have over 45 days until plant out and these guys are getting big fast.
Glad your plants worked out and you moved them!
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I had the exact same issue. I have some Thai plants ready to flower now as a result of moving them from the cold basement to the upstairs sunroom!. I have over 45 days until plant out and these guys are getting big fast.
Glad your plants worked out and you moved them!
not to mention i had to battle fungus gnats. bastards.
i know right! i NEVER thought id see that much improvement in such a short period

Time is a funny thing also. I check my plants at least twice a day and then all of a sudden one day it looks like they've doubled in size and you realize its been less than a month!!
thirdcoasttx said:
Time is a funny thing also. I check my plants at least twice a day and then all of a sudden one day it looks like they've doubled in size and you realize its been less than a month!!
I check my pants at least twice a day too! oh... you said plants.
PexPeppers said:
not to mention i had to battle fungus gnats. bastards.
That is what's killing my 35 seedlings now.  I quarantined them and have been watering with mosquito dunks.  Hoping to knock them out soon and get some healthy green leaves growing.
That is what's killing my 35 seedlings now.  I quarantined them and have been watering with mosquito dunks.  Hoping to knock them out soon and get some healthy green leaves growing.
