tepin x lemon drop (new f3s in the dirt)

My remaining two plants are doing good. Despite being several weeks younger than my reaper, they are quite a bit bigger.
I had accidentally killed mine with many others while growing in the winter. However, I'm growing one in an Aerogarden atm. I think it will do very well there. I'll post pics of the fruit and flower when it's ready.
I'm gone for two weeks and look at all the fun I've missed! Lol.. looking fabulous fellas!

My f3s are starting to grow rapidly and I'll slap a couple pics on here tomorrow. until then happy 4th of july and be safe dudes!

My best F2 baby. I have been battling fungus gnats, so the whole crop is a little stunted. Growing slowly, but still looking good. Notice how the leaves grow in asymmetrical pairs, and the overall growth pattern is more vining as opposed to the simple bifurcating pattern of most domesticated peppers. This is very characteristic of tepins. If you look carefully, you can see the same pattern in the last pics from filmost.
My plants are really loading up.  Pod shape is a little different between the two.  I now wish I was growing them under the same conditions as one is much larger than the other.  Both, however, are setting a load of fruit.  I am assuming the difference in plant size is due to the growing site.  I'll be interested to see how the taste and heat compare.  I am determined the bring plant #2 into the house for the winter - it is such a pretty plant(actually there are two plants growing together).
Plant #1 - this is planted in the raise bed and is the smaller of the two.  It's fruit development is further along.

The pods are larger than the F2 pods(from Mike) that produced the seeds.

A few are beginning to turn color.

Plant #2 - planted in  pot with a 50:50 mix of Miracle Mix Potting Mix and Miracle Mix Garden Soil.  The plant has been kept about 30 feet from any other pepper plants.  Although this is not truly isolation, it would seem to dramatically reduce any chance of cross-pollination.

This one is three feet tall as evidenced by the yard stick.  I don't have a pic to show but it is also heavily set with pods.

Shape of the pods is slightly different from plant #1 but about the same size.

I picked one of the Tepin x Lemon Drops yesterday.  This was from plant #1.

The pod was firm with moderately thick and very crunchy walls.  The bottom half was sweet with a moderate heat.  I've never tasted a Tepin but have had plenty of the Lemon Drops.  The top half (once I got in to the placenta) was considerably hotter.  
I'd say the bottom half was much like the heat of a Lemon Drop, perhaps a tad less.
The top half was a bit hotter than a Lemon Drop.
The was a fine pepper in my opinion.  A little less heat would be good with me, but a delicious flavor.
I'll have to try my hand at cloning this plant.  It would be a shame to let this go.

EDIT:  So I'm sitting here having eaten another pod.  After the initial, rather intense burn, faded I was left with a pronounced lower lip, floor of mouth, tip of tongue tingling burn that lasted for quite some time - interesting!
Well today there was a Conversation on fb about crossing peppers that I was tagged in. It was about line breeding and crossing back to the mother plant as cone9 had suggested and whether or not it would bump you back to a new cross. Any way it struck me that my f3s were budding and about to flower. I ran outside and one of the plants opened it's first flower so I went ahead and left it. The other two were brought into the basement and placed under the 1000 watt hps. I'm going to hand pollinate them and mark the flowers with twisty ties and move them back outside soon as I have a couple pods set!
