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I'm tearing down & replacing one of my fences (woo-hoo) Its 40 M (130 ft) of about 100 yr old hardwood palings. Theres a good chance some of it has termites.

The plan is to salvage most of it & use to build raised garden beds for lots of Nagas & 7's. I was wondering if theres anything organic I can use to soak them in that would wipe out any termites?
2-4-D ;)

Bent, if they are that old, and havent been eaten, I'd say you're pretty right.

My neighbour pulled down a 70yr old house, and piled the timber in the backyard. Termites only just grazed the hardwoods, preferring the pine and other softer woods that were on offer.

Logic seems right. If they have been there that long and haven't gotten eaten, odds are that they are OK....

BUT...some people do die on roller coasters......, no matter how small the odds!;)
Merely moving the timber will disturb the buggers and they'll move to some other part of the neighbourhood, maybe the "Round Up" fiend's next door...
yeah - i have found the nest (under the cubby house) & called some experts to come & take care of it. Waited half a day for them to show & they start checking the house...I say I dont need the house done as it was sprayed 2 years ago I just want the nest baited.
"Oh we don't do nests you have to get someone else for that"

&%$# told them that on the phone...what did they think I was going to pay them to do the house again & leave the nest for my neighbours. Its on the good neighbours side RS - spewin.
coat the wood with boric acid solution Bent...very safe....around and on the nest you can put diatomaceous earth...when they crawl thru the stuff they will cut their legs off and lacerate their tender bodies...it would be like a human crawling naked over a field of shattered glass....
AlabamaJack said:
coat the wood with boric acid solution Bent...very safe....around and on the nest you can put diatomaceous earth...when they crawl thru the stuff they will cut their legs off and lacerate their tender bodies...it would be like a human crawling naked over a field of shattered glass....

Kewl. Reminds me of "science experiments" I did as a kid.
Yeah, I was and am a weird and twisted kid. ;P

Funny, a different time..most of the stuff I played with is illegal now.

AJ, rememebr when science kits might just blow off body parts?
Why is it we not only survivwed those kits, but learned stuff?

I built rockets, used Erector sets with motors, blew shit up, and otherwise deconstructed the Universe as I knew it with chemistry and physics.

Nowdays, kids would be killed and there would be a panic.

Can you say sodium hydroxide was in my kit? Ha!

I'd prolyl be arrested for having it as a Meth ingredient nowadays. Sad.

Good times. Too bad America got dumbed down.

I miss the country I grew up in.
AlabamaJack said:
coat the wood with boric acid solution Bent...very safe....around and on the nest you can put diatomaceous earth...when they crawl thru the stuff they will cut their legs off and lacerate their tender bodies...it would be like a human crawling naked over a field of shattered glass....

.......and I thought you were a gentle soul.....;)
If you get rid of the soft wood, the termites will leave. They will travel pretty good distances in search of softer, damaged wood. So just make sure you get rid of the bad stuff.

As an extra measure, I'd use the DE that AJ mentioned, and spraying with pyreth and neem certainly won't hurt. If it were me, I'd probably just use neem.

Again, the termites will travel, so if any part of your foundation ledgers are rotting, you're in for trouble.
AlabamaJack said:
coat the wood with boric acid solution Bent...very safe....around and on the nest you can put diatomaceous earth...when they crawl thru the stuff they will cut their legs off and lacerate their tender bodies...it would be like a human crawling naked over a field of shattered glass....

Forgot about the boric acd trick. That works awesome.
when they were building my house, after they had it framed, I liberally sprayed each and every piece of wood in the structure with boric acid solution just as a precautionary measure....

I figure if boric acid solution is gentle enough to be used an an eye wash it sure won't hurt me being around it...
Just rang a guy who does mounds in yards - he says hes too busy to come for weeks yet but to just dig out the mound & the queen will be in there. Will all come out in one lump - bag it & put into bin or leave for the black ants who find them very tasty.

Thanks for the Boric Acid tip AJ - Will try to get some today
I have never used boric acid on my plants so I can't answer that...