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Texas Creek Pure Evil vs Defcon Zero

Nice review JayT. I know you usually do written reviews, and was kinda kidding about the video. I haven't tried either of these products, but would like to. I assume the consistancy of Pure Evil is like water, but how about the Zero? I've seen some vids of Defcon wing eating contests, and whatever goes into the sauce looks like it needs to be scooped out of the vial. Same stuff? Is it possible you get more on the toothpick because of consistancy?
Well, the Zero is a touch thicker than the Pure Evil, but not as much as you think. They both will coat a spoon. The Zero can be poured by drops just as the Pure Evil can. It does not come with a dropper, but with a steady enough hand you can do it. I think the Creator left the bottle open ended just to terrorize people... Next test is on the way. Ten Drop Ramen. I'll explain how I got the equal amounts of these two in to the different ramens soon enough. Stay tuned. Oh and as far as the amount on the toothpick, I let both of them drain off for a couple seconds before I tasted them so they would be as equal as possible..
For the Ramen Test. I made two identical ramen noodle bowls added sesame oil, fish sauce, soy sauce, sweet sauce, and oyster sauce to each in the same amounts. I then put ten drops of Pure Evil on a spoon and mixed it in. Next up the same amount of Defcon Zero. I know the picture looks like there is more Zero, but that is in illusion because I accidentally swirled the spoon a little trying to be a one handed camera man.

I tasted a spoon of the each the Zero first. You can taste that there is extract in there. Pure Evil is tasteless, so you get the point. The heat difference is still there, but not as noticeable. I have gone back and forth between the two and the heat seems nearly the same. I think that Pure Evil needs another liquid and possibly heat in order to fully dissolve the cap. Not sure, but that is a theory I have come up with. I know one thing. I am getting an endorphin rush now. I will eat these two and report back.





All of the sudden I feel like Adam Richman.

Halfway though each of the Ramen's. The heat difference is not noticeable anymore. The Texas Creek one tastes better because I don't taste the extract at all. I am on an endorphin rush and sweating profusely from the back of my head. This is nuts.
JayT's flyin' high! keep the comments coming-
Nice review Jay T. You sound very much like Adam when he does his reviews. Insightful and to the point. Thank you.

What about heat comparison on way down esophagus and in stomach?

I will still stand by what I said in the initial taste test that Defcon Zero is slightly hotter. Maybe 1.5X maybe 1.25X. It really doesn't matter. You are splitting hairs on the heat when it is introduced to food. The key difference in this test is the lack of taste of the extract from Texas Creek Pure Evil. I love Defcon Zero and will continue to use it and buy it, but in this test the lack of taste wins out for me over the heat. That being said, both of these are outstanding products and you can't go wrong with either one.
Thanks, JayT, It's great to hear Pure Evil can go toe-to-toe and hold it's own.

This is still under developement, so this is good to hear and we're still working on it. Thanks for your comments, feel free to post more as you use it.
For anyone curious about the rest of my night. It started out with a warm and slightly unsettled stomach. Sleep was restless, but uneventful. However, if you play this game, there is always a price to be paid. This morning my pee burned red hot. I think it had steam coming off it as it hit the bowl. Then, after only a few bites of breakfast (leftover egg rolls) I found myself racing up the stairs to a long encounter with the loo. There was much noise and thrashing about. When is was over, I am glad to have escaped with my life, albeit hardly unscathed...
Great review JayT. Look forward to the finalized product of pure evil. I didn't know about zero, but I had the mak II. Sounds like a big difference in flavor but what about heat level? (Not sure its from defcon now that I think about it) That is if you've had it before. Thanks
Great review JT, creative and thorough. Sorry about your rough night/ morning, that's what I call taking one for the team.
Great review JayT. Look forward to the finalized product of pure evil. I didn't know about zero, but I had the mak II. Sounds like a big difference in flavor but what about heat level? (Not sure its from defcon now that I think about it) That is if you've had it before. Thanks

I love the DM MK II, but it is discontinued. Last year I had to beg a bottle for myself right from the Creator's collection. The Zero is a good bit hotter than the MK II.

Creator, I have had the sludge. I like it, and yes it is substantially hotter.
what is the price/quantity of the Defcon? I know one of SL's questions on her poll was what would you pay for this. Well with this great analysis you have done, I think that this might give SL a start to somewhat of a guide for pricing. Great review JT. By the way, did you eat some of one Ramen and wait for the burn to leave, then eat the other and wait, and so on? Did you eat one and then the other right after eachother? How did that Ramen test actually go?
For the ramen I did both at the same time. It wasn't as hot as I expected, but the quantity of both the ramen and the capsaicin caught up to me. I finished both of them, but I was sweating the whole time.I wasn't really testing them for heat as I had already done that. It was more of an enjoyability thing. The Zero was still slightly hotter, but you could taste it which took away points in my mind. Zero is $30 for that little bottle. It's not really fair to compare the two on price points though. The process that the Creator has to go through to make that amount of extract is enormous, while Ann is starting with crystal capsaicin. They are not exactly the same kind of product even though you can use them the same way.
I was posting a link to this review and realized it needed an update-

The Pure Evil JayT had in December was one of our test batches. Since then, we have increased the capsaicin concentration by 30%.

(Dunno if this is right, but if you start out using 12 units and then up it 16 units...is that a 30% increase? Someone smarter than me can figure that out. :lol: )

Anyway, Pure Evil lab tested at 1,040,000 SHU In May, and we've tweaked the capsaicin up even a little more since then. Thanks to everyone who participated in the testing and feedback.