sun Thai Sun

Has anyone had any experience of growing these little war heads? I have three of these plants and apparently the fruits grow to 1cm to an Inch in size. Are they as hot as they are made out to be??
PepperJoe's website said:

Perfect pepper for apartments and small Gardens. The miniature plant only grows ten to twelve inches high and about one to one and a half feet wide. The one inch peppers grow facing the sun. One plant has literally hundreds of these fireballs. This little devil packs a big wallop. The leaves are tiny so the plant is almost all peppers. It is easily grown in containers put on a porch, patio or deck. Anyone, anywhere can enjoy plenty of hot peppers with the Thai sun pepper. They ripen early and produce all season long. Each pod has a few scarce seeds. said:

This miniature plant only grows ten to twelve inches high. The one inch peppers grow upwards facing the sun. One plant has literally hundreds of these fireballs. Rated 8 on the heat scale, this little rascal packs a huge bite. Full sun in a wind-free area.

8-10 is not bad for a small plant that is suppose to be all peppers. Seems like a nice pepper to grow at the office.

I grow Thai Hot, that's similar in stature, shape, and production. The fruits have a very hot flavor that while not as hot as a hab, always tends to make my eyes water! They're really quite hot for a non C. chinense. Believe these are C. fructescens.

Anyhow, short answer is yes, they're probly pretty damn hot. I dried some this weekend and made a tiny bit of powder to test my new dehydrator, and even the powder packed a great wallop with lots of nice sweet/sour/nutty flavor. Great pepper, and produces like apeshit.