• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Thank you wayright

I would like to say thank you to wayright for his generosity. I has a question regarding madballz 7 peppers. Wayright responded and he also sent me all 3 seed varieties. I received the seeds today with a box full of several different pods that he had grown. The pods had a beautiful color and they almost looked fake they were so un- blemished and fresh.
I have come to know that the generosity of the members here has no comparison!!!
All I can think to do is to pay it forward!!!
Lots of good people here, along with some outstanding vendors, this forum is one of the best I have found over the years from hobby growers to pepper guru's we're all tied together by our love of peppers. 