• If you can't find a "Hot" category that fits, post it here!

Thankfully this isn't common on days of 117.2 F like today ....

Wow! Fire! I hope you are safe there...
We had 15°C below zero yesterday morning. Where's the springtime????
This thing has become rather nasty and an alert has been issued by the fire services (just before midnight) to take shelter ....
Not much sleep tonight I think.
Just down the road hit 119 deg F I'm told.
And, storms predicted tomorrow with dry lightning, expected to set off more fires.
Happy 2015 !
119 before the fire started, which has been going for more than 24 hours now.
Got the notice to evacuate at approx 1:45am this morning because the fire front got to within 2km of the suburb boundary.
Gathered the necessary stuff and was gone in a flash !
Come back home about lunch time to find out that the wind direction changed overnight and forced the fire back on itself, but now there's a storm front approaching with gusts of 60+ mph heading in my direction again.
And to think, I've just got my 7 Pot Primo plant putting out some awesome pods - if they went up in flames, I could truly called them the "hottest" :rofl:
Hmmm, the fires are still burning - it was declared a major emergency days ago and the losses of animals and property has been substantial, i.e. 12,500+ Hectares !
Managed to get some shots for HDR photography and have done some early processing:


Nasty, just nasty.
OMG! We never hear about this in the USA. We are so caught up with ourselves. I hope your city/town doesn't get burnt out. The loses are bad enough without it hitting a city.