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Thanks AJ! Toothache

I have had a wisdom tooth bothering me for a little while now and tonight I had steak for dinner. Needless to say I bit into a nice big bite and OWWWWWWWW!!!!! I went for my new bottle of pepper vodka and that soothed things for a minute, but not enough. Then I remembered AJ having a thread about how peppers can help cure a toothache. Having just picked some tonight I found one of my smaller red habs and chomped it at the stem. Well, the pepper tasted sweet and I worried for a minute about it getting stuck in my tooth, but by the time I spit out a couple of seeds the pain (from the pepper) started and it was a nice familiar pain. Pain as a relief who would guess. Well after the pain began to subside I realized... the tooth doesn't hurt anymore! Wow. It still lets me know its still there every now and then, but nothing like before. this could be coincidence, but I am feeling better and I am thanking my little hab and my buddy AJ for every minute of relief I've had.
Ya, i do that if I ever get a headache or such and it really helps.
Also is good for kicking the cobwebs out after a "long night". ;)
the only problem, if it is a problem is when the pepper burn stops completely, the tooth pain will return and you will have to take another bite of pepper....ain't that the sh*t?
well I ate the whole pepper so I guess that bought me some time since it didn't come back yet. Maybe that and the pepper vodka I'm swilling...
anything to keep the burn alive worked for me JayT...