• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


I would just like to say thank you to all of the people of this pepper forum family. I've learned alot from you and even though I didn't get anything worth mentioning harvested of my own (I'll claim late start instead of admitting I suck:lol:) I have sure enjoyed getting to know many of you and with your help have eaten enough wonderfully hot peppers that I may have to install a drawstring to replace my burned up O-ring:hell: I am looking forward to the next growing season and to growing the many different seeds I got from you. I told Patrick already, but I hadn't even heard of alot of the peppers you guys mention on this forum and now I have eaten some form of many and/or have seeds to grow them myself. I guess all I can say is........THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING!!!
Whilst i can't remember offering you anything i will say THANKS FOR SAYING THANKS :D

It's great to be a part of such a great community!
Glad you find it helpful!
Woohooo, THP FTW!!!

This is a pretty good place to hang out for a bit every day. Who knew chiliheads were such great folks? Long live the chiliheads!!!
Well, think about it...people who'd spend $$$$$ just to grow, get, cook with, and eat stuff that HURTS...who'd a thunk it?

We're the Black-Clad, peirced, tatted, yes, mommy plz again HellSpawn Bikers of the Culinary world. ;-D
Yep...this is a great site and I'm glad that you found your way here.
If all chiliheads united.........We could take over the world!

:laughing an evil laugh:
QuadShotz said:
We're the Black-Clad, peirced, tatted, yes, mommy plz again HellSpawn Bikers of the Culinary world. ;-D
You know whats funny? Im an IT guy who has wanted a Harley for many years, has two tats two ear piercings, and a tongue piercing that looks like what a typical geek might look like at my age.

This really is an awesome community. I came here from UK based pepper forum (a lot of you might be familiar with it) and even though that forum is also great for info and such, I am very happy here. The one thing that makes these kinds of places work so well is the sharing of knowledge and as long as we all learn and share, places like this will continue to be amazing sources of information. I myself am/was a member of many a forum for that reason. There just isn't a better place to be. But of course some forums are better than others and I have to say, this one is at the top of my list ;)
I love this place and the way everyone is in it for.........everyone. If life outside these THP walls were like life inside the world would definately be a better place. I've met some really great people on here and would be more than happy to help you all any way I can. You guys are great