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That first bite of a fresh pod

crazy8 said:
Wow I really started a fire here. If I am some how the cause of this I put my apology up front. I was just simply interested in a pepper and hopped it didn't share the same taste as its bottled counterpart since I am 1 out of 100 million who is not a fan.
No need for an apology man. Everyone has their preferences. The difference is between these two statements:

1. I think Tabasco tastes like shit.

2. Tabasco tastes like shit.

One is an opinion of an individuals taste. The other is a statement of it's over-all consideration.

Number 1 is true to a lot of people.

Number two has already been proven wrong by sales and preference by the public.

Just trying to stick to reality. That reality being that Tabasco is preferred by more people than any other hot sauce. It's preferred because of it's taste.

I'm sure anyone who disagrees with that statement can give a call to McClenny and ask them for the testing results that prove it. They would probably be glad to email them to you.

The marketing results already show it.

I sure didn't mean to start WWIII about something this trivial.

Peace. Really.
Out of curiosity, FloridaSun, do you think if random "casual" Tabasco Sauce users were given a blind taste test of Tabasco, Trappeys, Crystal, and a few of the other similar Louisiana hot sauces, they would prefer Tabasco?... Or even know the difference? I'd be willing to bet many would not even be able to tell the difference, and many may even prefer the others... I don't know. Tabasco built a reputation before anyone else was even producing hot sauce on a massive level (as far as I can tell), so it's hard to say definitively that Tabasco is THE preferred hot sauce, when people have been familiarized more with that product through commercialization than any other similar brand. I'm not saying you're wrong... I'm just saying I think there's a little more to it than just sales, as Tabasco built a name long before most, if not all, hot sauce makers even thought about commercializing their product.

FloridaSun said:
1. I think Tabasco tastes like shit.

2. Tabasco tastes like shit.

One is an opinion of an individuals taste. The other is a statement of it's over-all consideration.

Any speech or debate class (which I'm sure you've taken given your marketing background) will teach you that these statements mean the same thing. The only difference being by saying "I think", "in my opinion", etc. you are either 1. emphasizing and/or clarifying that it is just your opinion, or 2. showing weakness in your opinion that you may not have total confidence it is true. The statement "Tabasco tastes like shit" is still an opinion unless it's supported by factual data and/or outside resources to confirm that opinion. Then it is a fact... to a certain degree anyway. Not to get into semantics here or anything, but I just think you may be getting a little too aggressive here with people who have been here a lot longer than you and I'd hate to see a fellow chilihead get off on the wrong foot in such a friendly forum.

Now back to the subject at hand... I may go chomp on a jalapeno or something now. :)
I chomped a cayenne the other night. My lady and her family were making stir fry and I could resist to take one of my fatty cayenne's (still green though) off the plant just to add some spank to the dish. I chopped it up into little bits and added it, seeds and all, into my fry and "BAM" thats what it needed to set it off. Cant wait untill them puppies are red and I can start picking.
FloridaSun said:
Please, go to a book store and buy a book about marketing.

No thanks. Might make me pontificate about how great Tabasco must sauce is just because the sell the hell out of it.

Ya know, this was a simple question and I just don't understand how the answer given warranted talking down to people. Plenty of perfectly civil conversation, as well as funny banter goes on here. Why the need to charge at people like this?
Smokenstein said:
Out of curiosity, FloridaSun, do you think if random "casual" Tabasco Sauce users were given a blind taste test of Tabasco, Trappeys, Crystal, and a few of the other similar Louisiana hot sauces, they would prefer Tabasco?... Or even know the difference? I'd be willing to bet many would not even be able to tell the difference, and many may even prefer the others... I don't know. Tabasco built a reputation before anyone else was even producing hot sauce on a massive level (as far as I can tell), so it's hard to say definitively that Tabasco is THE preferred hot sauce, when people have been familiarized more with that product through commercialization than any other similar brand. I'm not saying you're wrong... I'm just saying I think there's a little more to it than just sales, as Tabasco built a name long before most, if not all, hot sauce makers even thought about commercializing their product.


Any speech or debate class (which I'm sure you've taken given your marketing background) will teach you that these statements mean the same thing. The only difference being by saying "I think", "in my opinion", etc. you are either 1. emphasizing and/or clarifying that it is just your opinion, or 2. showing weakness in your opinion that you may not have total confidence it is true. The statement "Tabasco tastes like shit" is still an opinion unless it's supported by factual data and/or outside resources to confirm that opinion. Then it is a fact... to a certain degree anyway. Not to get into semantics here or anything, but I just think you may be getting a little too aggressive here with people who have been here a lot longer than you and I'd hate to see a fellow chilihead get off on the wrong foot in such a friendly forum.

Now back to the subject at hand... I may go chomp on a jalapeno or something now. :)
After so many years and making billions of dollars, I'm very willing to bet that McClenney has done literally thousands of taste tests, both blind and double blind. I'll go further than that. I think they've had marketing people check every conceivable angle of each step in their processes from the seed to the consumers toilet. I'm as sure as I can be. No company that large would have done anything less.

As I said, it would be easy to call them, tell them about this specific argument and ask them for email concerning the results of their testing of the consumers interest and liking for their product. They'll hook you up with their PR people and tell you lots about it if you ask nicely.

On the street, sure. I have no doubt that if 1,000 people were tested using a blind test, that the majority who said they preferred Tabasco would pick it from the group as being Tabasco. I know I could. It has a very distinct taste that is markedly different than any other hot sauce I've tasted.

I also have no doubt that a certain percentage of those same people might like one of the others more. People are fickle. That's why companies who make consumables perform thousands of tests, not hundreds. They use single and double blind testing to weed out the bullshit.

I sincerely hope I made no enemies by sticking to what I know to be true and provable. When someone points at the sun and insists it's the moon, I have to argue the point.

Please keep in mind that only a few people have expressed opinions about this issue in this thread. You're one who disagrees with me and are now telling me that I shouldn't express my opinion as I have.

Sorry man, life just doesn't work that way.

If you don't like my bluntness, then when you see my posts, don't read them.

I have just as much right to express my opinion here as the oldest member of the board until the owner of the board tells me different.

I've seen his posts also. He seems much too level headed and fair to tell anyone that they can't have an opinion.

I also don't mean to be rude. I believe I have been addressed rudely. I returned it in kind.

Let's just move on. I think we've beat this deceased critter to a second death.

I think each of the primary participants in this argument have been equally outside the lines of civility and common politeness. Myself included. Perhaps we can all continue in a more courteous manner.

Please excuse my sharpness of tone and content. I'm certainly willing to excuse the same from others.
there are many peppers on my plants... but I can't get myself to eat any until they are ripe... though they are soooo tempting... unripe peppers are like that forbiden apple....
I LOVE eating my peppers right off the plant. The freshness is amazing. As for the ongoing (well, hopefully ending) off topic discussion, I have no opinion other than to say that maybe some people should just give their opinion and not attack others opinions with a condescending tone. We are all friends here whether we agree on everything or not.
FiveStar said:
Ya know, this was a simple question and I just don't understand how the answer given warranted talking down to people. Plenty of perfectly civil conversation, as well as funny banter goes on here. Why the need to charge at people like this?

Totally agree. No reason not to keep it civil fellas :onfire:
JayT said:
I have no opinion other than to say that maybe some people should just give their opinion and not attack others opinions with a condescending tone.
I agree totally, but I've already forgiven them for doing so. Thanks for noticing.
patrick said:
Right on 5*. It was a glorious moment. Been waiting over six months for a taste of home grown heat. Damn fine moment.

Rat's turds Nova? You got seeds?

I will get some seeds together for you mate!
Here's my first ever ripening chili pepper. It was also my first ever bite of a fresh pod. This little guy was surprisingly hot. It's a super chili pod that seemed to get stunted, but was ripening anyways. I split it with my girlfriend and we both ate a half. Crazy flavor came in full and strong, then just as we were saying "What's that taste lik...." the heat got us. That was a fair amount of burn. This little pepper is supposed to be similar in heat to the cayenne.
