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pests The aphid battle rages on

I have been battling aphids all winter as well (brought in unknowingly on 3 plants from outside). I have found the only effective method for me so far to keep numbers down (not eradicated) is to manually pull each and every one of those things off the leaves. I likely miss one here and there so if I don't check my plants a couple times a week, they start duplicating again. Anything else that I have tried (insecticides, dish soap) makes my plants angry.
My fungas gnat battle thankfully has ended. I'm watering less frequently and after awhile they all disappeared (yay!). 
I attempted to spray my OW orange hab last year with neem oil. Wasn't sure if it negatively affected it (got rid of the aphids) but it wound up dying in late March, so close to when I could start putting it outside :cry: 
Have a few aphids on my OW's this year, just manually pulling 'em off and spraying them off with water
Yes, you can brush them off and there by control the devastating effect they have on the mature plants. The problem that you will soon find is when you start germinating a new crop. Once they start zeroing in on the sprouts,(the tender fragile and numerous sprouts) you will have a different set of issues.
They're Back
Actually they were never really gone, gone.
But they were satisfied to stay on my wife's hibiscus which never seemed to realize it had aphids on it. what is strange is I found a small infestation several dozes cups in from the parameter of the grow table and on no other plants.
Anyway, caught these early and 1500 LB's on the way
queequeg152 said:
how many flower bouquets could you have bought for your wife with all this cold hard ladybug cash?
I dont buy her bouquets. I grow her flowers so she can enjoy them longer than a week or 2.
what flowers are you growing?

also you can get dried floral arrangements that last quite a while.

when i was a kid, my mom used to make these weird arrangement things with a cluster of dried poppies mini pumpkin things and a few fake flowers... and these wierd things with pea sized seeds trapped inside. they would rattle when you shook them.