• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Well my 2013 season got started early with a surprise in the mail today so I guess here goes



Yes two are doing great the other two are hanging in there, im gonna be ordering from John as soon as the weather breaks. You have go remember its was like 10 degrees here in Indiana and im an afternoon delievery for mail. So those plants were in the extrem cold for a good 8+ hours. its amazing they're hanging in there
I have never ordered a live plant before. It's amazing you got them alive in this cold winter. Great grow and will be following!! Goodluck for the 2013 season!
I like the Golden Cayenne's, I didn't grow more than a plant or two. I bet they would make a great powder and it dried at a very low temp the color would be every bit of a bright yellow. I did however, use them fresh in a "Blond Turkey" chili. They had the right heat not overpowering and a distinct flavor that you get from a cayenne.
Good luck with the seedlings, hope we get another mild spring for an early plantout...
Nice start. Those plants you had shipped looked pretty good considering the conditions. Hope the 2 that are struggling pull through. Have a great grow this year!
Looking great. Love the tri-cot on the Golden Cayenne. Of the plants I have growing, first pod award goes to my Golden Cayenne. It looks to be a very productive variety. Enjoy!
BIZ did the live plants have a heat pack in the package with them?

Best of luck to you on your grow.
No they didnt Patrick I realy dont think it would have mattered with how cold it was. It was more a less an experiment any ways, as John wanted to test the usps so that he can keep the cost down for the customer.
$35.00 will get ya 10 plants shipped how can ya go wrong
Crazy #s there Biz! I like what I am seeing, and will check out John's site. I have a couple that didn't pop that I really needed to round out my selection, and although I've already ordered the seeds...may be nice to test your boy's process! I'll be clicking the follow on this one fo-sho!
Good luck and great season brother!
Thanks Shane my first go at seeds so i hope they do well. And for sure check out John nice selection and unbeatable prices. Ill be gettin some off him as soon as the weather breaks here in Indiana
nice looking starts BizNiz..... this is my first year from all seeds as well... last year most was store bought and melissa bought and free from shane.. i didnt start seeds til march last year