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The Death Pepper :)

Many have tried to eat...none have survived. It's claw came out and grabbed them before they could consume. Scared????


I need these seeds!

I haven't seen any evidence that these kinds of traits are passed down. I really think its linked to environmental conditions and statistics. I might find mutations like this in 1 out of 5000 pods. I grew 20 plants from my monster triple bhut last year and so far not one mutant from those plants.
Pretty sure i saw something very similar to these in the Prometheus movie.

Once it gets that alien appendage into ya...

...it's game over baby! ;)

Those peppers look downright evil.... I'll take three :)
Ghostpepperstore is right. It's a mutation. The others on the plant do not appear like this. I think three years ago I grew a Red Bhut Jolokia that was putting off all kinds of wild pods like this. It was cool and eerie at the same time. Actually some botanist once claimed it may be a virus even, but not sure. This Chocolate Morouga is about as stable as Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Not one pod looks the same. :) It is not a super hot based on placental tissue, but it makes cool looking pods.
