The Defcon Cable Interview is now up!

Well, we were contacted by a local cable access channel at Cablevision after they had seen us on the Travel Channel, and wanted to do a 1/2 hour one-on-one interview. Well, most of you know, I never met a camera I didn't like (LOL), so we went with it. The footage is a little rough, as it is a local access program, and the interviewer had a little trouble in the beginning, but hey, I like the 'rustic' edge. yeah, I talk a little fast, and with the Jersey accent, well, just deal with it.

So sit back grab a beer, and enjoy. I was even nice enough to give this site a plug, as well as the Chilehead Nation.
i love the editing! :lol: showing your name, with the other guy on camera. dead silence as the guy is on camera and not making "eye contact" with the lens. still, i heard no accent. could be i've got the same one though.

btw...not the same version, but the opening music there was our wedding song. :)
Hey dude, that was a great interview. How did you like Keene University? I go to Keene NH every year to see family, I just love that area.
very good interview - it was interesting and came off as very natural, not scripted at all - I hate the "infomercial" type interviews
Thanks guys! There really wasn't a script. They had sent me a list of a few questions they would ask, but also said there will be a lot of improv. I went with the improv, only glancing at the questions once about a week before the shoot.

If I can't answer a question about my own company, just take me out back behind the tool shed with a bag of quick lime and a shovel.
DEFCON Creator said:
If I can't answer a question about my own company, just take me out back behind the tool shed with a bag of quick lime and a shovel.

If your company was a Care-Bear, what would it's name be?
