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The End Is Nigh

The cold nights have arrived, the plants are looking a little sad, with more than 100 unripe hab pods I fear won't make it to my dinner plate. For the first time in 4 years of growing chillies and tomatoes I have come under attack from aphids. Nature is conspiring against me, so these brave souls will be preserved in remembrance:

so sad to see a season ending, but then again, you can start planning for next year...for us up here in the northern hemisphere, our season is just getting underway and you can do like we did...live through the winter looking at the southern hemispheres progress through the season...
Ah yes Jack the cycle of life goes on. May your season be more fruitful than mine has been, and I can see already that it will be.
Next season will be my first growing from seed so I'm definitely looking forward to it.
I bought some seed before I started using this forum and it looks like I'll be needing some more varieties now.
There's always room for a few more plants.

Must suck to live in Melbourne.

J/K! I hate to think of the cold weather that is before us, it sucks.
How long have you got up there in Newcastle Nova? Mine all turn to shit this time every year. Can't put anything in the garden until October usually. At least I don't have to battle snow like some of the northeners do.
I have been told by the reverand that june is about the most we will get from our precious caps. I am growing Goats Weed and i am told that this variety will produce year round. Pity its not the tastiest pepper.
50F nights don't hurt peppers IMO. I never bring mine in until around December here. Normally after the 1st freeze or two. If they are in the ground, cover them if it is supposed to freeze overnight. I always want them to grow as long as possible. I just hate to see them go. :(
bigt said:
50F nights don't hurt peppers IMO. I never bring mine in until around December here. Normally after the 1st freeze or two. If they are in the ground, cover them if it is supposed to freeze overnight. I always want them to grow as long as possible. I just hate to see them go. :(

Oh god no, I won't be pulling them up until they've taken their last breath. Just can't see any more decent harvests. Dropping to 7c tonight, that's about 45F. I've got plenty dry and frozen pods so that should do me a little while anyway. Onwards and upwards for next year.