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The excitement of not knowing what the hell you have!

I know what I started with.
I didn't label my pots and instead, put them in alphabetical order of what I would have in neat rows.
Then someone moved all of them and destroyed my system - now I have a whole bunch of plants around my garden in pots without knowing what the hell they are...
But then, from what is my most bushy, lush and well-performing plant, emerges a beast....
It's wrinkly, deformed and has lumps on it.. And I have no idea what it is :-)
I wasn't going to grow (much...) more things, but I got a mystery pack from Beth at Peppermania that might be tempting me to add more, who knows what I'll get!
I am in the same boat. The only plant I have that I know for sure are an orange hab, a fatalli, and 2 Thai chillies. The rest lost labels and got moved around and I forgot which was where. I know I have an Ali Lemon as I've got a pod off that already, and possibly a peri peri. The other 12 or so plants are anyone's guess. I love the surprise.
I guess it isn't really any different from those of us who have our plants well labeled but have some seeds from supermarket peppers. We'll spend the next 4 months wondering if they will grow true. :rolleyes:
I know everything I have but I also got a pack of mystery seeds (over 100 seeds in a baggy). I think I will plant maybe 20 or 30 of them in just old half barrels I have as decoration around the garden. Could be fun to see what I get.
The excitement of not knowing what you have? Really? You know what you planted right? So eventually you're going to know what they are right? How do you tell the difference between similar looking peppers? Do you share seeds? How do you know what you're giving away? Brain strains, TS Morouga's, TS Morouga Blends, Carolina Reapers look pretty similar to most folks so how do you know what seeds are what?
I don't sell seeds, I don't isolate, and I give people pods with a warning. "This is way hotter than any chilli you have bout in a supermarket so be warned"

I know what seeds I planted mostly, except for a few I got in a mix habanero pack. So I have an idea of what chillies I can expect I don't know what plant is going to give me what, or which ones are from my mixed hab pack. All part of the fun for me.
I almost did this not intentionally the other day. I was putting together my tray of pellets and accidentally turned it after I was done planting and before I labeled the sides.
It took me a bit of trying to get into my short-term memory, but finally found the right sides..... I hope. :P
And that, Brett, was exactly where my problem started! Then I gave up being concerned. As long as I got hot peppers out of it all, and ones that I wanted to try, the rest can sort it self out. Gives me something to look forward too.
this sounds like what i have every year, i dont label my plants when i transplant them into their final pots. The leaves and growth habits gives out whether they are chinenses, annums, fruts or baccs but mostly the fruit is always a good surprise for me.