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fertilizer The fertilizer thread

I'm bringing in the plants for the fall and starting some new seedlings to grow in the winter. I've never seriously thought about fertilizers more than putting some Miracle-Gro in the wattering can once a month or so, but now that I am indoors, I think a more serious approach to fertilizers is required if I want them to grow well under the HPS lamp.

What do you guys use on indoor plants that range from seedlings to full grown plants?
Are you planning on growing these all winter or just trying to keep them alive till spring? Whatever you do, do it very infrequently. When I feed overwintering plants its only once or twice from dec-mar. When I feed seedlings it is 1/4 strength every watering with a flush of plain water ever 4-5 times. Hope that helps.
Are you planning on growing these all winter or just trying to keep them alive till spring?

Considering the cost of the 600w HPS light, I sure as heck hope they do more than just stay alive over the winter. :tear:

I'm mainly wanting to make sure the young plants get the nutrients they need down in the basement since they won't get anything from outside.
Since I mix my hydro ferts by the gallon, and there is always some left, I use that.

I wait till they show a just bit of wilt. I water 3 times with plain water to 1 time with hydro mix.

Young ones I don't let droop or feed until they are robust. Just use good quality dirt and all they will need for a while is water and light.
I have had good results by using 1/4 strength water soluble 8-19-19(NPK) + Epsom salt on young seedlings every third watering, also my seed starting mix has a small amount of super phosphate