The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

SentencedToBurn said:
Looks like my 400W panelheater setup can only hold the temperature about 5C above the outside temp. Last night's 4C outside caused my greenhouse to drop to the lowest point of 9.6C. The light then came on at 3am and got it up to 12C but still means that between about midnight and 3am I was at just under 10 degrees which isnt cool.
You can see the drop on the last two days where instead of staying above 14C it first went down to 11C the night before then 9.6 last night.

I'm gonna rearrange my heater setup this weekend, will place it at the lowest point of the greenhouse, and will see if I can find some large rolls of bubble wrap as I've seen tons of people using it on their greenhouses as insulation.
But for next year I think I'll be rethinking my heating setup completely.
Bubble wrap seems to work pretty well and is easily available.
I might need to go that way as well as temperatures are dropping quickly now and judging by the amount of frost i saw on my trip out in the Waikato yesterday, we are in for a chilly winter!
Orcmie said:
How about a couple of big barrels of water for a heat sink.Looks like its still warm during the days?
Yeah dude I've been thinking about that. The greenhouse is pretty packed I can't really add anything else to it lol. I might just have to tough it out with this temperature. TBH for peppers this isnt too bad.
But I think part of the solution for next year will definitely be black water containers acting as heatsinks.
Also ive been looking at using compost piles, running coiled hoses through them and then running hot water back to the greenhouse. So I think I might setup a car radiator with a fan inside the greenhouse as a heat exchange unit. But might have to wait to do all this next year.
Rush35 said:
Bubble wrap seems to work pretty well and is easily available.
I might need to go that way as well as temperatures are dropping quickly now and judging by the amount of frost i saw on my trip out in the Waikato yesterday, we are in for a chilly winter!
Yeah man I found big rolls on trademe for pretty cheap. Might have to grab some soon I think.
The guys who made the video on Youtube of "Nigel" the huge Dorset Naga, also have videos of them using bubble wrap ont he greenhouses and show the fitting of it. They were using special clips to attach the bubble wrap to the greenhouse. This would seem to be the way to go...
These are the clips i think...
awesome thanks man, yeah i saw that 2nd video too, its wicked aye!
By the way - I took my oldest to the wintergarden at the domain today, did you know they have a whole bunch of chillies growing there? A massive row of bishops crowns, a bunch of bhuts i think, and then a whole lot of other hab-looking things. I couldnt believe how many plants there were.

Did the Bishop's Crown plants i gave you make it? Mine were heavy producers of pods and still have a bunch right now. Might need to take a walk through the winter garden and see if there are any interesting plants i am not yet growing. My grow table is already becoming too small!
I will probably be ordering some of the clips so i have them when i put up the greenhouse again. Will get the bubble wrap in before i fill it with plants. Looks like you will be up and running before me....let me know if you need any help.
Hey thanks man. I just got a heater for my tank as the water was getting a bit too cold so i'll have to wait for another week or two to get my bubble wrap. But I'll be doing it on the outside - can't move the aquaponics stuff out, or other stuff, but its all good I think. I'll just get a wider roll.
But yeah none of the bishops crowns made it but i kept all the seeds so will defintiely be putting a few down for next year. I have 10 plants in buckets overwintered (and a dorset naga in a 70L bin) and 4 outdoor plants that were big producers. The rest I'll start new ones, probably not too many though. I wanna do size now, like Swampy's ones.
I fired up my aeroponics system for some selected seedlings a week ago and soon remembered that you need to check the solution level after a few died yesterday!!! But those that have now survived are coming along nicely. I might assemble a second unit as well as aeroponics seems to be great for seedlings before transferring them into DWC buckets or tanks.
Just waiting for my bell cloche covers to arrive now and then i will have another couple of aeroponic units up and running. One already has 2 seedlings in it but really needs the cover now with the night temperatures. Will post photos of these once completed.I have the fog generators/ultrasonic units on timers with 2 hours on and 30 minutes off and the ultrasonic units also warm the solution so it is nice and tropical in the buckets around the roots.
Hey guys
Who is keen to do the challenge - Hells Pizza brought back Clint's Dragon Fury pizza. $10 for a snack size. I'll bring the GoPro and will add this as a clip for our Flaming Flora youtube channel. click on Angry Dragon bottom left
I'm keen to do this on Sunday maybe first half of the day so worst case - can recover before work the next day lol. Let me know.
Decided to move it to next Saturday (27th) so more can make it. 3 people so far, possiblyl 4.
Time/location: 11:30am Saturday 27th,  Ellerslie Hells Pizza. I checked they do make them from open till close.
Reply here who's down for this. Should be awesome!
Hey guys. I'm after some seeds for super hot chillies if anyone can help me out. Mainly after reaper 7 pot yellow etc. Happy to pay of course. I just don't trust trade me or want to get ripped off haha. Cheers Brendan
Hot Tofu said:
Hey guys. I'm after some seeds for super hot chillies if anyone can help me out. Mainly after reaper 7 pot yellow etc. Happy to pay of course. I just don't trust trade me or want to get ripped off haha. Cheers Brendan
Welcome! It would appear you have come to the right place.
Where about's in NZ are you? Have you grown chilis before?
Flick me a private message with your address etc and ill pop a few types in the mail to you :)
Hot Tofu said:
Awesome thank you!! I'm up in Whangarei, I grew a few of the common chillies and usually grow tomatoes haha!
Dang if you had posted last week I could have dropped some into you.Drove up last Wed for a wedding in Kerikeri.
Gota love dem Whangarei Tomatoes  :)
Hot Tofu said:
Awesome thank you!! I'm up in Whangarei, I grew a few of the common chillies and usually grow tomatoes haha!
Hey mate pm me your address I'll send you a bunch of seeds too.
Guys check this out, INSAAAANE deal on trademe, and this looks solid as. 6x3m polytunnel for $525!!!! galv frame!
SentencedToBurn said:
Hey mate pm me your address I'll send you a bunch of seeds too.
Guys check this out, INSAAAANE deal on trademe, and this looks solid as. 6x3m polytunnel for $525!!!! galv frame!
Thats who I got my 4M one from.If you email them you can get a better deal than by going through Tardme