• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The Hopeful Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw Project.

So I've been trying to find seeds for these, and messaged a guy on reddit and he said he had these.

I said the two light ones probably won't be any good, but the dark one has a chance, told him I would gladly take them. He then said he found a dried on in the cabinet, and I was like now we got a real chance.
Got them in and extracted the seeds and this is what they looked like.

#1: Light Colored Pods
#2: Red Pod
#3: Dried in Cabinet Pod.
Currently I have them soaking in some H2O2.

Will update when I get them in the dirt later today.
sinensis said:
sweet thread. i hope some of your seedlings grow true.
btw, your way of starting seeds is so much less work than what i've been doing (micromanaging bs with way too many steps).
maybe i'll save myself some trouble next year.
Thanks I do as well. It's a lot easier to manage 3 or 4 trays of seedlings than it is to manage 15 trays at first. Only have to keep up with a few, checking water, humidity, light etc. Then transplant only the seedlings and have no wasted cells.