The Hot Pepper Awards 2012 - Winners Announced!

Mrs. Peacock's Confectionery is honored to have recieved the third place award in the Open Sweets catagory. We added this product to our line in response to a special request from a customer. The product has been well recieved and is being enjoyed by folks all over the US.


We like the idea of Winner's logo stickers for the product. We would buy some too.

Thanks again for the honor!!
Any way we can purchase some winners graphics (stickers) for our bottles?

We've never done stickers give me some time and I will see if we can do something. I will let you know soon. If you can work the graphic onto your label it looks great, I've seen it on Global Warming Salsa's bottles, Cajun Heat, etc.

Congrats to all the winners - -- terrific products, you guys deserve it!

We're honored to have received six awards - what a great start to the year! Thanks!

Well done Fat Cat, well done!

Thanks to the judges for liking our beef jerky as much as we do!

We are really honored to be mentioned along with all of these killer products!


Mrs. Peacock's Confectionery is honored to have recieved the third place award in the Open Sweets catagory. We added this product to our line in response to a special request from a customer. The product has been well recieved and is being enjoyed by folks all over the US.


We like the idea of Winner's logo stickers for the product. We would buy some too.

Thanks again for the honor!!

Nice! S/he should be customer of the month! ;)
Good idea - thanks for the link Brian!

Dang - not sure if an ink jet will do the job on a clear label like that. And $0.68 ea is a bit steep for them to print 'em.

Hopefully boss will come up with something in between. :cheers:

Ps - the graphic looks great on my site!
Wow! Dang! Congrats to all the winners & thanks to the whole THP community. Y'all rock!


  • booyah.stripe.grabsm.jpg
    87.4 KB · Views: 166
Sean must me yelling Boo Yah! He placed in a lot of catagories and practically swept the wing sauce section. I gotta find some of that stuff!
Makes you wonder how much he paid ;)

Dang Sherlock your keen powers of deduction are a force to be reckoned with. Until now I’ve apparently been able to secretly bribe everyone in the world… 4 years in business, 19 Gold Scovies, 7 Golden Chiles, 6 trophies from the National Buffalo Wing Festival, 148 National Awards (‘The Most-National-Award-Winning Wing Sauce Brand in History’) AND I was even able to bribe the ENTIRE CITY of Buffalo NY (the home of Buffalo wings) to go on film and say my wing sauces are the best they’ve ever had (see vid) – Then YOU had to go and foil everything. Thanks A LOT!



  • booyah.stripe.grabsm.jpg
    87.4 KB · Views: 170
Hiya Sean - pretty sure he meant because you entered in a ton of categories, and it costs $ for each category you enter.

I very much doubt there was a question of ethics or bribing the judging panel. :P


Congrats on your bushel of winnings in the THPA though! :cheers:

Big congrats to Sean's booYah, winning The Hot Pepper Award for Wing Sauce, and The Pepper Patch Award for his product line, which includes a multitude of wing as well as exotic sauces for various applications. And welcome to the community. Ignore the "wink wink" comment. Some people just have no tact. Funny comeback though. :)

Check them out people! In fact check as many as you can out from the list of winning manufacturers. 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, they are ALL winners.
Much thanks LUCKY DOG & congrats to you as well. AND much thanks On Fire for the warm welcome. booYah!


  • booyah.stripe.grabsm.jpg
    87.4 KB · Views: 176
I was excited when i found this topic but many stores won't send outside U.S. :( Bummer

I'd love to ship internationally, but it's just not very practical I'm afraid.

The issues are many, but mainly it's that my site isn't set up to easily calculate the shipping.

There's also variability from country to country and for some countries it's really, crazy expensive. If you're shipping a $10,000 Rolex, $38 to ship a 2 lb box isn't so bad. When you're talking about $15 worth of hot sauce, most folks balk at it. Then there are the customs forms to fill out, which adds time.

So yeah - hopefully some day, but not at the moment.
I understand. Maybe i'll find someone to pick up orders from few stores and send it all to me in 1 box.
BTW i was checking out your green label dog.
I was excited when i found this topic but many stores won't send outside U.S. :( Bummer

Poland? Try the stuff from they are Austrian. The winners are:
Fireland Foods - Richi's Devil's Choice Hot Sauce
Fireland Foods - Fireland's Smokanero
Fireland Foods - Pain Classic Hot Energy Drink