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chinense The "I thought it was a Scotch Bonnet" thread

Vegas_Chili said:
Reimer probably. They have em as C. Chinense.
Reimer isn't a vendor that we see recommended in the forums. There are ID threads where plants ended up being C.annuum Jamaican Mushroom from a couple other vendors that are more trusted. There is no thread in Vendor Vault documenting the outcome from one of the vendors.
Dammit, I typed a response, but it disappeard. No worries, Jeff. I grew these things the first year I had them thinking they were Scotch Bonnets. I only discovered my mistake after selling seeds to a couple folks. Once I did discover my mistake, I sent them some real Jamaican Scotch Bonnets, as well as some Scotch Bonnet Foodaramas. Let me know if you need any seeds.
Seeds were from Tradewindsfruit. It is a real shame that they didn't grow true because they really look like they have about every variety you could imagine. Oh well. On the flip side, everything I ordered from Pepperlover has grown true. 
Jeff H said:
Seeds were from Tradewindsfruit. It is a real shame that they didn't grow true because they really look like they have about every variety you could imagine. Oh well. On the flip side, everything I ordered from Pepperlover has grown true.
They appear to be repeat offenders when it comes to selling Jamaican Mushroom types as Scotch Bonnet. The photo on their site actually matches how your plant grew it. The catch as you know was that it wasn't Scotch Bonnet. In the Trade WInds Fruit Vendor Vault thread you posted right below my post where I pointed out the photos were of Jamaican Mushroom in a response to KiNGDeNNiZ's post where he also identified seed he grew out to be Jamaican Mushroom in 2012.
Haha. That's too funny. I didn't buy the scotch bonnets until Feb when I bought some herb seeds though them. I didn't even look at that thread when I bought the herbs. The SBs were just an afterthought to help out with shipping charges of the herbs. 

All the herbs grew true FWIW.