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The Joy of Woking

Beautiful picture! Now I'm craving the hell out of steamed buns, but stuck in a one-horse hick-a-billy town, with maybe a few dozen people that even know what a delight these buns are :D I like the bike as well, really says "I'm confident in my sexuality".
Odd note after wards though. Uploading anything to the internet is (more or less) an act of giving up any rights/ownership.


I realize that uploading anything is essentially giving up rights. Making people think twice was my only objective.

Sharing in the name of public education and cultural awareness is never a bad thing.
I need me a flat wok. I think it's a good cross between the flat top/baking steel and a round wok.
Gadget, I'mma git this  b'fore you!!!!!!


sicman said:
:rofl: i thought it said joy of working,lol. i was like hell ya i love to work and i was going to agree with how awesome and blessed it is to be able to get out and work.

anyways: carry on!
That's what I read as well lol
Did someone say new gadget?
Wife got this for me for Christmas:

Now to get nice heat marks on it and a few layers of seasoning before I test it out.
Cooking on induction though so I don't know if I can get the heat discoloring anywhere but around the bottom. I'll just have to try and see.

Using coconut oil by the way. It has the highest smoke point and seems like the slickest oil I have used.
Hope you know it's a round bottom wok and needs a wok stand. :)
And hope you have a gas range or you should get flat bottom.
Just checking. 