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chinense The most intense and best scotch bonnet

There are so much scotch bonnets out there and i wonder what the forums favorite is.
Im planning 1 or 2 varieties for next year, but im not sure which one are the best tasting.
It should have a really strong taste, because i want to cross it with a mild pepper that needs some more flavour.
I grew out 6 MoA yellows and 1 red from 6 different seed sources I got from a seed train. All were delicious, none compromised in flavor. However only 5 of the 6 grew out to be "true pheno" shape after the first round of peppers. I can send some seeds if you'd like when i get more pods on it, but keep in mind it's all OP
hogleg said:
I would suggest waiting til the end of the season when seeds become available again for the "Papa Dreadie Select"
This pepper looks fantastic, i hope i will get some seeds for next year :-)
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I am saving seeds from the pod I am picking today, it is isolated. ;) It does not have the perfect shape however the other pods do now...
Nice, tell me when you want to trade som seeds, i can give you many varieties in exchange :-)
I have this season around fifty three bonnets and their variations ... this is my third year dedicated to the bonnet and over these years my top three would be MoA Yellow, SB7J and NeBru7 ... the last two are crosses. Aji Jamiquino simply means Jamaician Chilli and is from the Dominican Republic nice red elongated pods with some good heat. Have a look at my grow and also visit the P. Dreadie glog more than happy to send you seed in the fall ...

Mentioned earlier was TFM and this was correctly identified as Trenton Farmers Market ... however TFM has also been documented as True Form as seen a few seasons ago on Peters Semillias seed site ...

The MoA Yellow ( contacted negotiated and finally obtained by Steve Queen from the Jamaicam Ministry of Agriculture) is the true form bonnet

There is now a red variation