The most smokey flavor pepper?

EBHarvey said:
I'll second the jamaican hot chocolate - they have an earthy, smokyness that's off he charts if you allow them to fully ripen to a deep reddish-brown.  even without drying them its really, really pronounced.  I have a few pints left of a straight ferment I did in 2012 and you'd absolutely swear i smoked those peppers.  an when you do smoke
Definitely the smokiest I have encountered, thanks for letting me know it shines in fresh as well, I'm trying to grow some this year. :)

First time I had it was the powder and I was blown away. So many notes; smoky, earthy, and it's robust, hot... it was my go-to, on pizza, awesome. You could swear it was smoked... but nope. And it has its own smoky quality, it's not like you can pick out a wood flavor. It's a must try for a smoky pepper.
The Hot Pepper said:
Dried Jamaican Hot Chocolate and dried red ripe Poblano (called Ancho when dried).

Both are smoky when dried, and not smoked.
+1, I grew this for the first time last year and it has a very smoky flavor, good heat too. I overwintered that plant and it is doing very well.