The New Superhot Chili?

all fucked up... the reaper is a MEAN value not the TOP MEASURED...
so to have a mean of 1.4 millions  you have in the pack a lot of higher heat and a lot of  lower heat.
for the morouga it's was the hottest pod measured in the study. if you check the mean of the morouga it,s lower than that....
and anyway there is always 2 or 3 new hotter pepper in the list each year....
some contender that risk addig to the listing will be the choc morouga, the Fatali Jigsaw, and much much more unanamed hybrids...
so  until you can eat any of those like candy they will all burn you out... and in the end youo want a superhot with a good taste not paint thinner taste!
Average on the Moruga Scorpion is 1.2 million shu were the average on the Carolina Reaper is 1.474 million so that makes the reaper hotter than the moruga scorpion.
before anyone takes this the wrong way i make my apologies now, most know me on here and know im not a smart :censored:  but,i myself usually dont get involved in this debate because it a useless and moot subject, IMHO its really just starting to look like a big chest slapping, saber rattling manly fight that will never be won and quite frankly hotter isn't better, no offense to Joe and Tim or any of my other friends out there but why the hell does it have to matter anyway?? money?,machismo?,fame? what??, yeah they taste good but the punishment you receive from peppers of this caliber isn't worth it and there are peppers with alot less heat that taste better, i do love the flavor of them they make good sauces but for most except for the man or women with a "CAST IRON STOMACH" there way too hot!! yeah i would be the first to admit i can take the heat in my mouth but that's where it ends
also what i mean by this is a fight that cant be won is peppers vary so much in heat level how in the world can anyone say there's is hotter than anyone else s, im sorry i just never got this and prolly never will
thanks guys and gals you know i love you all
your friend as always JOE
Personally I use the strong chillies for drying and hot sauces. I do not eat them "raw" to be macho. I mix them with something that actually tastes good :)
But I understand what you mean "Ajijoe", hotter is not automatically better. But the hotter the powder, the less i have to use in stews and the longer it lasts, which is good for us who can not grow them all year round due to weather.
Chilifan-Denmark said:
Personally I use the strong chillies for drying and hot sauces. I do not eat them "raw" to be macho. I mix them with something that actually tastes good :)
But I understand what you mean "Ajijoe", hotter is not automatically better. But the hotter the powder, the less i have to use in stews and the longer it lasts, which is good for us who can not grow them all year round due to weather.
no debate that there not useful they are
First time post.Reason I got on was to find out the real truth/documentation.The two mill plus on the link above  has tbc at the end(the Moruga) which I beleive meansTO BE CONFIRMED.The Trini-scorp-butchT has the Guinness certificate(2011) as Worlds Hottest from the Chili Factory in Australia(Not the Hippie Co.).The reaper has only claims by PJ but no lab certificate or Guinness mention at all.So as it stands the Chili Factory has a lab certificate and the doc.from Guinness.I would like to show the links but could not paste them for some reason.The Chili Fac/Guinness is from 2011.No record has been posted on web at all for 2012.Can anyone clarify and show me the papers/documentation of any other record holder that beats the Chili Factory published doc?PJs claims are all bogus as I see on the other thread going on as we speak.I need to settle a friendly argument with my next door neighbor who is from Trinidad after I told him a American(Butch T) sent his seeds to Australia and they produced the record.Neighbor is adamant,case of Heineken is involved.Thanx in advance.
Henry you can show your friend the chili factorys vids on YouTube they have an episode of where they get the documentation I believe. They also show some techniques of how they grew them.
Nightshade said:
Henry you can show your friend the chili factorys vids on YouTube they have an episode of where they get the documentation I believe. They also show some techniques of how they grew them.
Thank You,Thier site has a actual image of the lab certificate and Guinness doc.also.
Chilifan-Denmark said:
Personally I use the strong chillies for drying and hot sauces. I do not eat them "raw" to be macho. I mix them with something that actually tastes good :)
But I understand what you mean "Ajijoe", hotter is not automatically better. But the hotter the powder, the less i have to use in stews and the longer it lasts, which is good for us who can not grow them all year round due to weather.
I can agree with this. For a long time I have been mixing 1/4 tsp of ghost powder to what I would call a typical amount of food that I would eat for lunch. It gets your mouth burning and a little sweat on your brow but nothing to extreme. This summer I have a ton of TSBT pods so I am making a bunch of powder with them. Holy hell that is a lot hotter. at 1/4 tsp, you get the full needle feeling in your tongue for a good while. Just about too hot to eat at the office with no beer. :D lowered the dosage to a little more than 1/8 tsp. The cup or so of powder I have already will last a long long time. :D
insain said:
Average on the Moruga Scorpion is 1.2 million shu were the average on the Carolina Reaper is 1.474 million so that makes the reaper hotter than the moruga scorpion.
I would say it makes the average reaper hotter than the average moruga, but nobody knows the highest or lowest value of the reaper. The reaper may just be somewhat more consistent in heat, and not as varied from highest to lowest as the reaper is. So until we see a peak heat number from the reaper (which will probably never happen), the moruga is still top dog.
I think the whole thing is a tail chase.
I've had bhuts that were hotter than morugas, that were hotter than brain strains, that were hotter than Butch Ts that were hotter than chocolate 7s, that were hotter than bhuts.
And then I've had Musky Mojo's powder that kicked ALL their asses...
lancecook said:
Got the seeds (few and expensive) for next planting.
Had a tiny little piece of placenta in the package.
Of course I tasted it.
Only pepper to immediately make my tongue go numb----then the heat arrived.
But on the 1 upmanship of hottest pepper-----if ithey are really hot, and have a good flavor, they last longer than a wimpy pepper with good flavor.
Choice is---fist full of common habs, or 1 small super.
I really think when they do those tests they should give us the distribution instead of just the mean, the mean really dont tell us much as to the true range of the pepper's heat.