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so i have some plants with unknown seed source... BUTCH T plant.. 4 of them have the Butch T shape and some odd shapes.. but they are not RED.. or YELLOW...hoping they will remain the same color..ORANGE!!!

heres a pic of plant one

side by side with a yellow fatalii

plant 2.. starting orange as well

plant 3

and plant 4

im guessing it might of been crossed with an ORANGE habanero....will keep yall posted
Lookin good even if it is a cross. If those are the first pods they might not have grown true. The next batch may look different.
Wow, those look wicked. The last 3 pics look like a hab, maybe a cross? The first ones definitely look Butch T. Where did you get those?

, Walter
Vegas_Chili said:
Wow, those look wicked. The last 3 pics look like a hab, maybe a cross? The first ones definitely look Butch T. Where did you get those?

, Walter
smileyguy697 said:
Lookin good even if it is a cross. If those are the first pods they might not have grown true. The next batch may look different.
ill keep this thread updated with how they look...
I have 1 Jonah plant and every pod stayed bright Habanero orange.

Not a red one in the bunch.  I figured they would change eventually, but it just didn't happen.  Could it be environmental?
Pepperhead, you've got a hybrid there. If you grew the parent Jonah of that plant, try to figure what may have crossed with it because its very cool. Many interesting Jonah crosses are popping up lately.
Scarlet Fire said:
Pepperhead, you've got a hybrid there. If you grew the parent Jonah of that plant, try to figure what may have crossed with it because its very cool. Many interesting Jonah crosses are popping up lately.
I didn't grow the parent of the plant, but I have been in talks with the person I got the seeds from to try to figure it out.  He doesn't think it crossed, but couldn't be 100%.  Either way, we'll see what happens with the F2s!