The only thing more glorious than a freshly tilled garden...


is a freshly weeded garden! :party:

Trying something new this year... I hope it works.  Planted the garden downhill from the bird shack.  I'm hoping all the bird scat will wash across the garden as part of the watershed and help to naturally fertalize the plants.  Thoughts?

And of course the dogs keeping all those pesky rabbits and deer away  :P
   You have a beautiful location for your garden. I almost didn't make it past the pond to the plants. I'm not sure what you're growing, but everything looks happy. I've heard of many growers using chicken waste for fertilizer, and I don't see why gravity wouldn't assist you in the application. Keeps us updated as to how your season turns out. I may have to try a new fertilizer if you have good results. Good Luck!
a Q from the uninitiated:
is that lake michigan in the background?
cheers, Al
ps: very nice looking garden!
pps: I like the way you are thinking ... the rain not only watering the plants for you but also fertilizing them for you ... kudos - you must be really bright .... or really lazy  ;)
peppernovice:  This is only my 2nd season growing something more exotic than common jalapenos and cayennes, so I really went went for variety this season as opposed to focusing on just a couple varieties.  What you see there is something like 120 plants of approximately 65 different varieties.  I figured I would try as many as I could and see what I want to concentrate on in the future.  Re: the pond... we stocked it last year according to the recommendations of a state biologist.  It covers about 2 acres, and is stocked with large-mouth bass, catfish, albino catfish (for the amusement of people catching them), and bluegill.  They've grown quite large over the past season (we throw a 5lb. coffee can full of dog food in every night to feed/watch feed the catfish) and fishing seems to be excellent so far!
TOAW:  Good question.  I think time will tell, since our weather didn't permit getting it tilled up until about a month ago.  I think some more advantageous weeds are popping up on the downhill-end, so perhaps?  I'll be sure to keep the forum updated on how this strategy works.
Al-from-Chile:  This is Lake Michigan:

I live in downtown Chicago, where I germinate and start my plants.  Once the weather gets appropriate for placing plants outside, I take them down to my family's farm (which is located in E. Warren Co..... or West Central Illinois state) and set them in the ground.  When it get lights out again, I'll follow this post up with pics of the 10-12 plants I have setting in pots on my back deck in Chicago... they are doing excellent too! :P
HwyBill said:
Al-from-Chile:  This is Lake Michigan

I live in downtown Chicago, where I germinate and start my plants.  Once the weather gets appropriate for placing plants outside, I take them down to my family's farm (which is located in E. Warren Co..... or West Central Illinois state) and set them in the ground.  When it get lights out again, I'll follow this post up with pics of the 10-12 plants I have setting in pots on my back deck in Chicago... they are doing excellent too! :P
Bill, I was pulling your leg....

(I studied @the UIUC... Never seen more corn in my later life :D)

... Fond memories

Again, kudos to your growth
