• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2014...CLOSED FOR THE 2014 SEASON

Today launches The Pacific Northwest GLOG, geared towards growers from this region.  Since there appears to be disagreement on what states, and areas, actually comprise the Pacific Northwest, I will use a broad definition, in order to include more growers.  If anyone thinks the definition could be even more broad, it can always be changed.  Come one, come all.
Northern California
British Columbia
I am from the Rogue Valley, in southern Oregon, so, I will begin with a couple of shots from my yard, which over looks the Rogue River.


Me, and my Cacho de Cabra, which stands at 4' tall.

Some non-chinenses.


GRIF 9265.

I'm using the square foot gardening method.  Plants are getting close.  I like the appearance.

A weird cross.

MoA, Scotch Bonnet.  Can't wait for these.  I have 4 plants.

Weather is into the 90s today, and will hit 101F tomorrow.  It's funny the misconceptions people have about Oregon weather, in particular, southern Oregon.  Good luck to all.  I hope this Pacific Northwest GLOG will be a success!
Hey Coldsmoke....you probably have a feed store in your neck of woods.  Go check it out and see if they have lady bugs.  I have a feed store near my house over on SE Foster and they are advertising lady bugs and Praying Mantis eggs for sale.  I am going to go over on Friday and buy some lady bugs so that I don't have the Aphid issue.  If you don't have a store near you that has either of the little critters the place over here is next to the U Pull it car parts place by the Springwater Trail crossing at about SE 99th and Foster.
My hops were absolutely infested last year with aphids, so this year I ordered from Ladybugs from Amazon. They stuck around, and seem to be keeping the beasties at a reasonable level. I have a bunch of native soldier beetles in the hops eating the aphids as well.
I don't think it's possible to get rid of aphids on hops altogether. Aphids LOVE hops.
OK transplant complete, I will have pics up tonight. These are my plants for next year. Might get 1 or pods this year. But I am not holding my breath.
Quick question for you guys. With the weather staying in a constant 80's all week, how often do you guys water your peppers? Daily? Every two days? I only did it once a week when the weather was in the 70's like it's been all the way up until now!

xBrianxEdge said:
Quick question for you guys. With the weather staying in a constant 80's all week, how often do you guys water your peppers? Daily? Every two days? I only did it once a week when the weather was in the 70's like it's been all the way up until now!

I watered mine yesterday morning before going to work.  I checked them tonight and they are doing alright.  I will probably water them again on Friday.
ColdSmoke said:
Yeah...I have a couple BBQs on that deck. Traeger gets most of the work. Green space behind the house with a small creek. Probably 6 hours of light in the spring and 8-9 through the summer months. Last year I had cayennes, habaneros and red bhut. Cayennes went crazy, only one ripe pod from the red bhut and a handful of habs. I put almost no effort into them though. I have a moruga and chocolate bhut in the front of the house where there's more light to test things out. 
hop plants too....they have lots of aphids.

Man, that deck/patio area is classy.  If it was bigger (can't tell how big it really is), you could host weddings there!!  Big $$$.
blorvak said:
My hops were absolutely infested last year with aphids, so this year I ordered from Ladybugs from Amazon. They stuck around, and seem to be keeping the beasties at a reasonable level. I have a bunch of native soldier beetles in the hops eating the aphids as well.
I don't think it's possible to get rid of aphids on hops altogether. Aphids LOVE hops.
I hope those aphids are nowhere close to the pepper plants.
KevinH said:
OK transplant complete, I will have pics up tonight. These are my plants for next year. Might get 1 or pods this year. But I am not holding my breath.
Next year??  Care to explain?
xBrianxEdge said:
Quick question for you guys. With the weather staying in a constant 80's all week, how often do you guys water your peppers? Daily? Every two days? I only did it once a week when the weather was in the 70's like it's been all the way up until now!

Wow, that depends on so many things...  If you're around during the day, you can just watch for the leaves to droop, and then hit them with water.  If not, sometimes it's better to water a little more often, but not as long for each watering.  Or, you can buy a soil probe from the nursery that will tell you how dry the soil is.  Not knowing all the details about your plant size, soil drainage, amount of sunlight...I will say every 2-3 days, but, this is just a guess.  Once a week in the 70s should give you some idea.   
Roguejim said:

Wow, that depends on so many things...  If you're around during the day, you can just watch for the leaves to droop, and then hit them with water.  If not, sometimes it's better to water a little more often, but not as long for each watering.  Or, you can buy a soil probe from the nursery that will tell you how dry the soil is.  Not knowing all the details about your plant size, soil drainage, amount of sunlight...I will say every 2-3 days, but, this is just a guess.  Once a week in the 70s should give you some idea.   
My plants are in the front yard, so they get a full days worth of sun. The sun hits my front yard at about 9-10 and doesn't go away until 7:30 or so. And they're all in 5 gallon (or pretty close to it) pots. I read somewhere that it was best to water in the mornings or evenings, is it equally okay to water throughout the day?
Evening is best, but, if the plants are tanking at high noon, I would never wait to water them. "When, and how often to water" are two of the most common questions, but hard for someone else to answer. The only sure fire answer that I know of is to water when you see drooping. Considering the plants are in pots, receive around 10 hours of sunlight, I would go every other day, and then pay attention to how they react. If bottom leaves start yellowing, then, it's too much water. That's a lot of sunlight. Maybe someone else who lives closer to your area can be more helpful here.
Evening is best, but, if the plants are tanking at high noon, I would never wait to water them. "When, and how often to water" are two of the most common questions, but hard for someone else to answer. The only sure fire answer that I know of is to water when you see drooping. Considering the plants are in pots, receive around 10 hours of sunlight, I would go every other day, and then pay attention to how they react. If bottom leaves start yellowing, then, it's too much water. That's a lot of sunlight. Maybe someone else who lives closer to your area can be more helpful here.

Fosho. I am on the fence about which is best but have been watering in the morning primarily, with an odd supplemental watering in the late after noon or evening here and there.
LowDrag said:
Hey Coldsmoke....you probably have a feed store in your neck of woods.  Go check it out and see if they have lady bugs.  I have a feed store near my house over on SE Foster and they are advertising lady bugs and Praying Mantis eggs for sale.  I am going to go over on Friday and buy some lady bugs so that I don't have the Aphid issue.  If you don't have a store near you that has either of the little critters the place over here is next to the U Pull it car parts place by the Springwater Trail crossing at about SE 99th and Foster.
blorvak said:
My hops were absolutely infested last year with aphids, so this year I ordered from Ladybugs from Amazon. They stuck around, and seem to be keeping the beasties at a reasonable level. I have a bunch of native soldier beetles in the hops eating the aphids as well.
I don't think it's possible to get rid of aphids on hops altogether. Aphids LOVE hops.
Yeah there are a few feed stores around these parts. That picture was my Saaz in the front. It sits in a container on the driveway so it's totally isolated even though I've never really seen aphids migrate from my hops to any other plant. I have a healthy ladybug population in the back yard where all the peppers are. I need to just buy some neem oil for my peppers and let the ladybugs have at the hops. 
xBrianxEdge said:
Quick question for you guys. With the weather staying in a constant 80's all week, how often do you guys water your peppers? Daily? Every two days? I only did it once a week when the weather was in the 70's like it's been all the way up until now!

This is the first time it will be in the 80s for a consistent amount of time so I will have to see. Every 2 or 3 days I suspect...
I got board. So I went out and bought all the stuff heat matt's domes plugs and so on. I will over winter them in my garage in 5 gallon pot's.
KevinH said:
I got board. So I went out and bought all the stuff heat matt's domes plugs and so on. I will over winter them in my garage in 5 gallon pot's.
How much did that setup cost? Thinking about doing that too. I got a baby bhut that isn't gonna get big enough this year =/
xBrianxEdge said:
How much did that setup cost? Thinking about doing that too. I got a baby bhut that isn't gonna get big enough this year =/
How will heat mats, domes, and plugs help your bhut? I'm missing something here.
Roguejim said:
How will heat mats, domes, and plugs help your bhut? I'm missing something here.
I was just talking about the lighting for it. I was going to start some seeds earlier next year, so that's why I asked about the setup. :)
Hey, here's a question for all you NW growers. As of July 4th, what's currently your best performing plant?
Mine is a Goat's Weed. It's getting big, and has a good number of pods set already.
Probably this unknown cross.  I actually have two of them.  This one got over watered, dropped a bunch of yellow leaves, but, is pumping out more pods than the other bigger, healthier one.  Here's 4 of my best plants so far.

Rooster Spur.

Fresno.  Two plants are loaded.  Here's one.

Cherry Bomb.