Has anyone here tried this?  Do anyone of you experts know what Peruvian cherry peppers are exactly?
I would like to find out also son got that pizza the other day and brought it home to me him and the kids when there to eat he felt guilty that I was at home ant got it for me the pepper is not really hot but has a nice flavor
ok pizza hut use   a product called pickled product called  sweety drop miniature peppers for their   
Peruvian cherry peppers.  it is the Incan Red Drops pepper. so guess I will try to get this pepper to grow.
oh before I am asked  I asked on of the workers about the pepper nd she told me.
So has anyone grown this pepper and where to get seeds.
frdlturner said:
ok pizza hut use   a product called pickled product called  sweety drop miniature peppers for their   
Peruvian cherry peppers.  it is the Incan Red Drops pepper. so guess I will try to get this pepper to grow.
oh before I am asked  I asked on of the workers about the pepper nd she told me.
So has anyone grown this pepper and where to get seeds.
I have gotten them from PepperLover before.  Grew them two years ago . . . take a long time to ripen.  Start pale green, then white, then orange, then finally red.  Stayed orange for a long time.
Small bush type