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The Quest for the Elusive Israeli Peppers

I know this site, not much for a 'pepper site'.
Just a couple of weeks ago when it worked, it said that the hottest pepper in the world is Red Savina. :shocked:
It's now under construction, so maybe they'll finally update it. :lol:
Anyway it has nothing to do with the Israeli peppers, it's not like you can buy them here.
They're wild, and probably VERY hard to find.
All chiles are native to the Americas , just like corn, potatos and etc.

I don't know if there are chile growers in Israel, but it sounds like a crop that would do well in a dry, sunny climete.
Here in Israel we got it all.
At one end we have snow, at the other we have a desert.
Between we have mountains, waterfalls, seas, woods and lots of sand.

The chiles I speak of originate in Israel, but it's easier finding Trinidad pepper than finding those.
Only few pictures of only one pepper are online, all the others never been photographed.
Most of the peppers listed as Israeli on the chileman's site are PI#'s which means they can be obtained through United States Department of Agriculture Research Service (USDA). I just did a search and the other one listed as YELLOW NAHARIO is the same as PI 291999 and the Israeli hot is listed as an Annuum on the chileman's site and as a frutescens on the UDSA site.

You are simply awesome.
Now, can I "obtain" them even if I'm from outside the US? if so, how much does it cost?

Placing an order and actualy getting the seeds from the USDA are two entirely different animals. Most likely you will receive a rejection letter in the mail with some very nice and compassionate language about the true use of their germplasm bank. I wish you the best on your quest. They are very "tight fisted" with seeds.

Found a source here in Israel for the "Yellow Naharia", it's a sweet pepper with great taste, and I mean GREAT.
Apparently I'm familiar with it, and actually made some "stuffed peppers" with it. :lol:
Still looking for the others.
Sounds interesting Omri.
I'm not familiar with the cuisine in Israel.
Do people eat a lot of spicy food? as in pepper hot?
If so you may discover other interesting heirloom varieties from local farmers which of course you will be happy to share some precious seeds with us ;)
We eat a lot of African Birdseye/Piri Piri, the only truly hot pepper I found is currently unknown, I'll be growing them and maybe even share some seeds.

BTW, 'PI 451762' (one of the Israeli peppers in my list) is listed as '8.5 out of 10' in heat scale.
bentalphanerd said:
When you say african birdseye - is that same as Malawi birdseye...I have Malawi & they are real hot.
No, they're from Sudan.
I think they're hotter than the Malawi ones.
According to The Chile Man they're about 175,000 SHU.
I guess it's hot, but pretty much my tear limit, anything hotter will make me cry.
I'd be interested in trading for seeds for this bird pepper from Sudan Omri if you obtain seeds. I'm looking to grow a bunch of Chilepins, Tepins, Pequin types next season as an experiment.

I'm keeping my eye out for other interesting ones too. :lol:


Omri said:
No, they're from Sudan.
I think they're hotter than the Malawi ones.
According to The Chile Man they're about 175,000 SHU.
I guess it's hot, but pretty much my tear limit, anything hotter will make me cry.